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Brutal Drug Raid Killing Caught on Video

The drug czar has gone to great rhetorical lengths to convince the American people that our drug policy isn’t a war any longer, but you don't have to look very hard to see the violence that still erupts daily, not only in Mexico, but right here in our own communities. If you can handle it, I'd like you to take a look at just one example of the incredible violence police use when enforcing our drug laws.

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Supreme Court Debates Warrantless Entry When Police Smell Marijuana

[inline:scaleofjustice2.png align=right]Recent Supreme Court decisions regarding search and seizure haven't exactly signaled an unyielding reverence for our 4th Amendment rights, so I shudder to think how the Court will rule on this:

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John Stossel Debates Drug Legalization with Ann Coulter

I enjoyed watching this, although what we get from Ann Coulter here is pretty much what you'd expect from your average kneejerk drug-hating authoritarian. Though obnoxious at times, keep in mind that you're watching a perfectly civil conversation about legalizing drugs on a FOX program. That's awesome.

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Meet the Man Who Gets His Marijuana Directly from the Federal Government

[inline:irv2.png align=right]Miami Herald has a great profile of Irv Rosenfeld, one of four medical marijuana patients who still receive a monthly supply from the federal government. Yeah, you read that right. He gets a tin full of joints sent to him in the mail each month by the U.S. government. Irv's story has received some good coverage in the past, and you can bet that he'll continue making noise until everyone knows the truth.

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Idiot Blames Marijuana for the Tucson Shootings

As the nation mourned this weekend's tragedy in Arizona, David Frum took the opportunity to pen an early contender for dumbest blog post of the year with this shameful suggestion that the killer's actions may have resulted from marijuana use.

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FOX Covers Latest Botched Drug Raid Killing

Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano is on point yet again with this coverage of the recent killing of grandfather Eurie Stamps.

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If You Think a Border Wall Can Stop Drugs, You're So Wrong

One of the dumbest opinions you can have in the debate over drug policy is the idea that tougher borders can help stop the flow of drugs. If that's your best plan for making the drug cartels go away, I'd love to know what you have to say about this:

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Montel Williams's Pot Pipe Bust Shows That Patients are Still Targeted in the War on Marijuana

[inline:wheelchair.png align=right]In case Montel Williams wasn't already sufficiently pissed off about the government's war on his medicine, yesterday's incident is sure to push him over the edge.

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Remember That DEA Agent Who Shot Himself in the Foot?

Apparently, he tried and failed to sue the DEA for leaking the video. I'm sorry sir, but there was no way on earth this ridiculous clip wasn't going to go public.

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Pat Robertson Clarifies Position on Marijuana Laws

A day after delighting the reform movement and presumably causing drug warriors nationwide to spit coffee on their keyboards, the Christian Broadcasting Network would like to clarify Pat Robertson's remarks. I received this email today.

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Pat Robertson Says Legalize Marijuana

Here's an early Christmas gift from one of the last people you thought was going to take a stand for drug law reform:

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Drug War Defenders Beg Obama to Help Prevent Pot Legalization

[inline:plantpic.png align=right]This Christian Science Monitor editorial positively reeks of desperation. You've got to give the prohibitionists at CSM some credit for seeing the writing on the wall, but their silver-bullet strategy for beating back the movement for marijuana legalization is a little less than intimidating:

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Angry Jurors Refuse to Convict in Marijuana Case

[inline:scaleofjustice2.png align=right]As Americans grow increasingly disgusted by the waste and injustice of the War on Drugs, it seems inevitable that we'll reach a point at which the public no longer accepts the embarrassing excesses of prohibition. That's exactly what just happened in Montana, and it's a story that ought to terrify the drug war establishment.

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LA Times Smacks Down Drug Czar's Anti-Pot Propaganda

[inline:calileaf.jpg align=right]I haven't always been impressed by the Los Angeles Times' coverage of marijuana policy, but I've got to give credit when it's due. This editorial properly devastates the drug czar's recent claim that medical marijuana advocacy has led to increased use among teens.

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Medical Marijuana Has Nothing to do with Teenage Pot Smoking

[inline:wheelchair.png align=right]The drug czar's shameful attempt to blame increased teenage pot use on the medical marijuana debate has already been ripped to confetti by almost

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A Revealing Conversation with the Drug Czar

In case you haven't seen it yet, the latest issue of The Nation is loaded with enough excellent drug policy coverage to keep you busy for hours. There's a heavy focus on the case for reform, but Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske also stops in for a long interview that I might find encouraging if we hadn't heard all of this stuff from him before.

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More Proof that Changing Marijuana Laws Doesn't Hurt Children

The first and last thing almost any opponent of marijuana reform will tell you is that if we ease up on marijuana enforcement, our children will pay the price. Reforming marijuana laws, they claim, "sends the wrong message" to our young people and paves the path to a life of addiction, crime, and lost promise.

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If Pot Were Legal, No One Would Grow it in the Woods

Can you even think of anything besides marijuana that is grown secretly in the woods? Of course not, because hiking over mountains through dense underbrush with pounds of fertilizer on your back is so stupid and crazy that no one would ever do it unless there were millions of dollars at stake. Unfortunately, there actually are people making millions off these operations and the U.S. Congress is so fed up with the situation that they've issued a resolution demanding that something be done about it.

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Gary Johnson's Medical Marijuana Use: Why it Matters

When I first saw the headline yesterday that former New Mexico Governor and Republican presidential hopeful Gary Johnson had smoked marijuana as recently as 2008, I admit I rolled my eyes. Would his strong pro-reform message be maligned as the predictable position of a pothead-for-president? My concern changed to excitement when I read that he'd used marijuana for pain relief following a horrific paragliding accident:[image:1 align:left caption:true]

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Feds Threaten Crackdown if Oakland Allows Large Marijuana Grows

[inline:calileaf.jpg align=right]Here's another reminder that Obama's DOJ hasn't exactly forgotten about all that naughty medical marijuana commerce going on in California.

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