Opponents of drug policy reform like to portray themselves as defenders of law and order, and yet you can't always count on them to obey the law themselves.
A state representative from Greenfield who says he obtained a medical marijuana prescription in California under false pretenses as a way to show the flaws with such a program should be impeached for illegal acts, several citizens told lawmakers today.
Rep. Clel Baudler, R-Greenfield, is a former state trooper who says he hates illegal drugs. He wrote in an e-mail to supporters in October that he had gone to California, where he lied about having medical problems to obtain a prescription to prove “how asinine it would be to legalize ‘medical marijuana.’” [Des Moines Register]
I'm sure he was very proud of this clever stunt of his, but there was one little problem he'd have done well to consider first:
California law states that a person who fraudulently represents a medical condition to a doctor is subject to a $1,000 fine or six months in jail for their first offense.
Too bad he emailed a bunch of people boasting about doing exactly that. Medical marijuana isn’t a fraud, sir. You are. Efforts are underway to get this idiot canned, which will prove ironically that the system works after all.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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