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Drug Czar Might be the Worst Job in American Politics

Following up on the news that the Drug Czar is looking for a new job, I have a piece in the Huffington Post looking at how the current political climate is rendering the Drug Czar's office irrelevant. Issues like marijuana legalization are taking off and threatening to destroy the legacy of anyone who stands in the way. More here.

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NORML 2011

I would have loved to post something celebratory for yesterday's holiday, but as luck would have it, I was on my way to Denver, CO for NORML's 2011 Conference. I'll be here for a couple days soaking in the brilliance and enthusiasm of a small army of marijuana reform mavens, and I'm thrilled. I've never been much of a live-blogger, though, so please forgive my inevitable failure to write it up.

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Obama's Facebook Forum Fails to Silence Marijuana Legalization Advocates

I have a piece over at Huffington Post discussing Obama's latest online townhall event, which isn't allowing us to vote on the questions this time around. What this says about the potency of the marijuana legalization and drug policy reform debates is pretty interesting to consider. It's also interesting that this event is happening on 4/20, but that's another story altogether. Anyway, check it out.

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Drug Czar Doesn't Want to be Drug Czar Anymore

[inline:drugczar.png align=right]It's hard to imagine a worse job than defending the drug war every single day, and it looks as though Gil Kerlikowske has had about all he can take:

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Why Do Cops Hate Hemp?

[inline:legalizehemp.png align=right]The effort to legalize hemp farming in California is heating up again, and unfortunately, law enforcement interests are still doing everything in their power to stand in the way:

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When Politicians Joke About Medical Marijuana, They're Laughing at AIDS and Cancer Patients

[inline:medicalmarijuanawheelchair.png align=right]Someone please help me understand what is soooo funny about the fact that marijuana increases appetite. Apparently, everyone else is having a blast with this and all I see is a tasteless cliché that gets older every time. Anyway, here we go again:

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Drug Lords Celebrate the Drug War at the UN

This video is typical of the clever work I've come to expect from the HCLU. It deserves more exposure, so whoever's in charge of making things go viral, I hereby nominate this for consideration:

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Obama Announces 420 Gathering on Facebook

[inline:420marijuana.png align=right]If one thing ought to be undeniably clear by now, it's that the President just loves being lobbied for marijuana legalization. That's why he keeps hosting popularity contests for political issues on the internet, and inviting the decidedly predictable chorus of calls for ending the war on drugs. So, in order to ensure that his next such event is similarly well attended, the President is asking us to join him for a live 4/20 celebration on Facebook that you don't want to miss!

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Idiot Compares Medical Marijuana Dispensary to Japanese Nuclear Reactor

The East Coast's first dispensary has opened in Frenchville, ME, and although no one has been remotely harmed by it in any way whatsoever, some area residents believe it may only be a matter of time before patient access exacts a vicious toll from innocents in the vicinity. The award for most terrified local moron clearly goes to the guy who went on the news and drew parallels between the horrific nuclear crisis unfolding in Japan and the facility growing marijuana up the road (at 1:47):

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International Harm Reduction Conference Happening Now in Beirut -- And on the Net

Our friends at the International Harm Reduction Association are holding their 22nd international conference -- this time in the Arab wor

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Why Refusing a Police Search Helps Protect You Even if They Search You Anyway

[inline:policesearch2.png align=right]San Francisco Examiner reports on the latest in a series of controversies surrounding constitutional violations by SFPD officers.

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The Human Right to Get High on Drugs

Here's drug policy guru Eric Sterling masterfully articulating the madness of drug prohibition.

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Marijuana Is Serious Business, But Leno and Conan are Hooked on Bad Pot Jokes

Although cannabis has been known to give people the giggles, there isn't exactly an abundance of amusement to be found in U.S. marijuana policy. Even as the nation moves towards a more sensible approach to the drug, our top comedians are still looking for laughs and coming up short.

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Medical Marijuana Will Soon Outsell Viagra (And Become Unstoppable)

[inline:medicalmarijuana.png align=right]A new market analysis of the medical marijuana industry is turning heads in the mainstream press and blowing away the myth that there's no money in marijuana reform:

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$75 Million in Marijuana Arrests and NYC Still Smells Like Skunk

[inline:newyorkmarijuanaarrests.png align=right]A new report from the Drug Policy Alliance reveals that New York City spent an eye-widening $75 million arresting and locking people up for marijuana last year alone. It's quite an achievement considering that concealed possession of small amounts isn’t even supposed to be illegal in NYC.

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Obama's DEA Needs to Stop Raiding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

[inline:wheelchair.png align=right]By now, you've probably heard about the DEA's full-scale assault on medical marijuana dispensaries in Montana on Monday. You're probably asking yourself what the hell happened to Obama's promise that state laws allowing medical marijuana would be respected, and I'm going to answer that question as best I can.

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The Incredibly Simple Case for Decriminalizing Marijuana

[inline:plantpic.png align=right]It's so easy and obvious, even politicians can use it. In fact, here's Connecticut's Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney demonstrating how to discuss marijuana reform in terms almost anyone can understand.

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The Drug Czar Shows Weakness in the Marijuana Legalization Debate

There's been much discussion recently about the Drug Czar's request to meet with the Seattle Times editorial board in an apparent response to this editorial endorsement of marijuana legalization. You can read here about how that meeting went, but I think this video more perfectly captures the absurdity of the situation:

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Blogging Break

In anticipation of a busy Spring season, I've taken the opportunity to spend some time in Europe with my girlfriend during the final, miserable weeks of Winter in D.C. We've just arrived in Barcelona, and I'm guessing I won't be getting much blogging done for the next week or so. Alas, you'll have to go get your drug war news from Pete Guither, who I'm reasonably sure is not presently traveling in Spain, and who would probably still find time to blog even if he were. As for me, I shall return triumphantly by the end of next week I hope.

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DEA Finally Admits Marijuana is Medicine

[inline:marinol.png align=right]If you thought they were going to issue a formal apology after decades of flagrant dishonesty, you would be mistaken. But the DEA is at long last conceding marijuana's incredible medical value…by giving pharmaceutical companies exclusive permission to make pills out of it.

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