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Guess Who Opposes Drug Testing Welfare Applicants?

Guess who besides us and the ACLU opposes drug testing welfare applicants?

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NYPD to Obey Law

In case you haven't seen our story from last Friday about the New York City Police Department'

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Drugs, Freedom, and Responsibility at Burning Man

Editor's note: This is a repost of the piece I wrote about Burning Man last year. I couldn't top it, so I'm sharing it again. Enjoy.

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Video: "Count the Costs of the War on Drugs," Events in Five European Capitals

Actions organized by the European Drug Policy Initiative in Sofia, Bucharest, Warsaw, Oslo and Porto -- part of the "Count the Costs of the War on Drugs" campaign, which marks the 50th an

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Video: Florida Welfare Drug Testing Debate

Far from saving the state money, Florida's new welfare drug testing law, promoted aggressively by Gov.

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It's International Overdose Awareness Day

[inline:overdose-awareness-day-ribbon.gif caption="Overdose Awareness Day ribbon logo" align=right]Today

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Obama Stumped by Question on Marijuana Legalization

As activists for reform, we've all dreamt of a day when our opposition is left sputtering onstage, unable to form a single argument against us. That's exactly what happened on Monday when the president was asked why we can't legalize medical marijuana. It's a remarkable moment, and the subject of my latest piece at Huffington Post.

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A Perfect Exhibit in the Inevitable Collapse of the War on Marijuana

[inline:medicalmarijuanawheelchair.png align=right]In case you missed it, PBS’s recent program Pot Republic has some of the best footage of the various marijuana specials that have been popping up on TV.  It provides a poignant look at the evolving relationship between marijuana professionals and local law enforcement, juxtaposed against the cynical efforts of federal officials to destroy those collaborations in a desperate quest to delegitimize the industry and maintain their draconian drug war powers. In other words, it’s interesting stuff.

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One-Year Anniversary of the Fair Sentencing Act

[image:1 align:left]The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 was signed a year ago today, providing the first relief for federal crack cocaine defendants. Sentencing reform, civil rights and racial justice advocates had worked on the issue for nearly 20 years.

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Chronicle Update -- Book Review, Mass. MedMj Init, This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Phil has published a Drug War Chronicle book review, "Drugs and Drug Policy," published by so

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Chronicle Stories: New Zealand "Spice" Ban, Chicago to Stop Jailing Marijuana Users?

[image:1 align:left]Phil has two new stories in the Chronicle since last update.

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Going Through the Motions

[image:1 align:left caption:true]Bolivia's government has announced it plans to allow "excess

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What Were Florida's Legislators, Prosecutors and Judges Thinking?

[image:1 align:right caption:true]A federal judge in Orlando, Florida, did something good and important this week.

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Obama Says Drug Users Must Be Treated as Criminals

No, those weren't his exact words, but his exact words don't sound much better. My latest piece at Huffington Post explores the inherent contradictions that spring forth from the president's most recent contribution to the drug policy debate. Check it out.

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If You Think Supporting Marijuana Legalization Is Political Suicide, You're Wrong

Longtime readers know I've been banging this drum for a while, but I think I hit it pretty hard in this new piece at Huffington Post. Check it out and let me know what you think.

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Police Shouldn't Be Proud of Seizing Bigger Marijuana Crops Every Year (It's a Sign of Failure)

[inline:marijuanaplant.png align=right]If I didn't know better, some of this week's headlines might have me wondering if the American marijuana market is about to come to a crashing halt.

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Live Webchat About Dealing with Police

Steve Silverman and I will be joining the popular political site FireDogLake this evening for a webchat about our film 10 Rules for Dealing with Police. Please join us from 8:00-9:30ET for what I'm sure will be a lively discussion. Just click into at 8:00 and register here if you'd like to comment or ask questions. Hope to see you there.

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New Threats from the Feds Won't Stop Medical Marijuana

Obama's betrayal of our movement is certainly an ugly thing to behold, but it's not the first time medical marijuana has faced uncertainty, and it won't be the last. I have a new piece at Huffington Post discussing DOJ's latest threats and where we go from here.

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Obama Administration Issues New Threats Against Medical Marijuana

[inline:wheelchair.png align=right]After several ominous months, Obama's Dept. of Justice has issued a formal statement backing away from the President's pledge to respect state medical marijuana laws:

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Stubborn Congressman Tries to Block Marijuana Legalization Bill

Barney Frank and Ron Paul's historic bill to end federal marijuana prohibition is generating a lot of excitement around the country, but in Washington D.C., it's already becoming another reminder of the arrogant drug war politics that have long obstructed the path to reform.

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