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National Review Endorses Frank/Paul Marijuana Legalization Bill

[image:1 align:right]The conservative flagship magazine National Review has endorsed the recently

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Defenders of the War on Marijuana Don't Have a Clue Who They're Hurting

[inline:marijuanaarrest.jpg align=right]The debate over New York City's out-of-control marijuana arrest crusade is getting heated, which is exactly what needs to happen. Forced at last to defend this grand travesty before an angry public, the mayor's office is now trying to convince everyone that this epidemic of constitutional violations and racial profiling is somehow good for the community:

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Good Drug Policy Bills to Be Introduced in Congress This Week

[image:1 align:right]Last April we reported that US Rep.

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The Drug War Created the Cartels. Only Ending it Can Destroy Them.

[inline:mexicancartels.jpg align=right]In a New York Times editorial, Sylvia Longmire attempts to generate interest in her upcoming book on drug cartels by arguing that marijuana legalization wouldn't actually do much to damage their profits:

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This is What a Drug Legalization Activist Looks Like, Part 2

This video really captures the feel of LEAP's excellent press event last week:

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40th Anniversary Drug War Continues, SWAT Raid Music Video, More Wire

The 40th anniversary of Richard Nixon's declaration of the drug war continues.

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Jimmy Carter Says "Call Off the Global Drug War"

Today's New York Times features an op-ed by Jimmy Carter, Call Off the Global Drug War.

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This is What a Drug Legalization Activist Looks Like

You've likely already seen the explosive mainstream media coverage of Tuesday's superb press event by our friends at Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, but I wanted to share this image that didn't make it into the papers:

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NYPD Only Arrests Minorities for Marijuana. Here's How They Do It.

[inline:newyorkmarijuanaarrests.png align=right]Since 1977, it's been technically legal in the State of New York to carry around a concealed bag of marijuana weighing less than 7/8 of an ounce. But you could be forgiven for not knowing this, since getting popped for petty pot possession is easier in New York City than anywhere else on the planet.

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Criminal Injustice -- Inside America's National Disgrace

[inline:reason-criminal-injustice.jpg align=right]The libertarian Reason Magazine ("free minds and free markets") has devoted its July

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Odds and Ends

There's a lot going on these days. Here are a few odds and ends that didn't make it into our newsletter or that supplement it:

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Every Major News Outlet is Talking About Legalizing Drugs

To get a sense of the magnitude of the discussion that's happening right now, just try entering the phrase "Drug War FAIL" into Google. Pretty impressive, huh? This story from the Associated Press is showing up everywhere you look:

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World Leaders Say End the Drug War

Not all of them just yet, but it's a start:On Thursday the former presidents of several countries, former UN secretary general Kofi Annan, former U.S. secretary of state George Shultz, former U.S. Fed chairman Paul Volcker and other luminaries will release a report calling the global "war on drugs" a failure and encouraging nations to pursue legalizing and regulating drugs as a way to put a stop the violence inherent in the illegal drug market. (LEAP)

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Will Tim Pawlenty's Crazy Ideas About Marijuana Hurt His Presidential Hopes?

[inline:TimPawlentyMarijuana.png align=right]"Someone has to finally stand up and level with the American people. Someone has to lead. I will.” So says newly announced Republican Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty, who believes that people who are dying from serious illnesses deserve to be arrested if they use the marijuana for relief:

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The Supreme Court's Stinky Ruling on Marijuana Odor: What Does it Really Mean?

I have a new piece at Huffington Post attempting to make sense of the Supreme Court's ruling in Kentucky v. King. This thing is a mess, for sure, but it's not exactly the deathblow to our 4th Amendment rights that some have made it out to be.

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Did Obama Really Say He'd Respect State Medical Marijuana Laws? Yes.

[inline:obamahead.png align=right]Fred Gardner at Counterpunch thinks I'm "way wrong" about medical marijuana politics under the Obama Administration:

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Marijuana Activists Crash White House Webpage in Response to DOJ Threats

On Tuesday, I asked the enormous online community at to help send a message to the President in response to the recent federal effort to shut down medical marijuana programs around the country. Reddit users voted to make this issue a top priority, resulting in an absolutely massive viral letter-writing campaign directed at Obama's website

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Mexican Protesters Demand an End to the Drug War

[inline:Calderon.png align=right]Frustrated beyond belief with the bloody consequences of President Calderon's aggressive drug war tactics, the people of Mexico are finally beginning to make some noise.

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Obama's Sudden, Senseless Assault on Medical Marijuana

I have a new piece at Huffington Post discussing the Obama Administration's recent threats against public officials in medical marijuana states. This is a big story and it's important that the public understands the truth about what's going on and what's at stake. Please check it out and pass it along.

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Are the Feds Trying to Destroy Medical Marijuana?

The Alyona Show on RT brought me on yesterday to try to make sense of the latest Dept. of Justice threats against medical marijuana states.

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