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Video: Former Mexican President Says Time to Legalize Drugs

Video from October 18 Cato Institute forum featuring former President of Mexico Vicente Fox (Cato's Ian Vasquez moderating):Hint to politicians and the media: When people with that kind of stature bring up an issue over and over, that means it's important.

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Simultaneous Worldwide Drug Legalization, Anyone?

Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos has some interesting ideas about international drug policy.  

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Canada Mandatory Minimum Crime Bill Set to Pass [FEATURE]

It looks like Canada's Conservative government is finally going to get the ugly crime bill it has long wanted. That will mean mandatory minimums for growing as few as six marijuana plants.

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Is President Obama Responsible for the Latest Attacks on Medical Marijuana?

[inline:medicalmarijuanawheelchair.png align=right]As controversy over the federal government’s escalating nationwide assault on medical marijuana continues to swell, some federal officials are trying to shield the President from the political fallout.

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Mexico Drug War Update

Mexican drug trafficking organizations make billions each year smuggling drugs into the United States, profiting enormously from the prohibitionist drug policies of the US government.

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This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

A Texas DA gets greedy, and so do a California narc, a California prison worker, a Washington state evidence clerk, and a Washington, DC, police officer. 

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Obama Met With San Francisco Medical Marijuana Protest [FEATURE]

Hundreds of angry medical marijuana patients and supporters gathered in San Francisco's South of Market Tuesday to greet President Obama as he appeared at a $5,000 a head fundraiser at the W Ho

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Prop 19 Backers Eye 2012 Medical Marijuana Initiative

A budding coalition of medical marijuana reform backers, including some of the same folks behind last year's Proposition 19, is working on an initiative for the 2012 ballot that would impose st

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What’s it like to smoke herb with Rick Santorum?

[inline:santorummarijuana1.png align=right]Huffington Post has a nifty little slideshow looking at the Republican presidential candidate’s positions and past statements on marijuana. Short version: Gary Johnson and Ron Paul support freedom and common sense, the rest are generally in favor of arresting lots of people.

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Federal Judge Blocks Florida Welfare Drug Testing Law

A federal judge Monday halted Florida's law mandating drug testing for welfare applicants.

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Pennsylvania Drug Suspect Dead After Swallowing Baggie

A Pittsburgh-area man has become the third person to die from swallowing drugs during a bust in recent weeks and the 41st to die so far this year in US domestic drug enforcement operations. 

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Colombia President Calls for Global Marijuana Legalization

Colombia's president says the world should legalize marijuana, but don't look for his country to lead the way.

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Senate GOP Blocks Criminal Justice Commission Amendment

An amendment that would have created a national criminal justice commission to study wide-ranging reforms in the US criminal justice system was blocked Thursday after most Senate Republicans voted

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Bay Area Pols Slam Feds' Medical Marijuana Crackdown

A pair of Northern California elected officials Wednesday urged the federal government to back off on its "senseless assault" on medical marijuana dispensaries.

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Comments Temporarily Disabled Due to Security Issue, Will Restore as Soon as Possible.

Comments Temporarily Disabled Due to Security Issue, Will Restore as Soon as Possible.

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Obama Must Explain His Broken Promise on Medical Marijuana, and Soon

I have a new piece at Huffington Post demanding answers for Obama's badly botched approach to medical marijuana. The situation has spiraled into total insanity, and whatever anyone actually did or did not expect from this administration no longer matters. What we got is unacceptable, and if the president can't defend these policies, then he lacks the credibility to carry them out.

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Freedom Fighter of the Month

[inline:hightimesfreedomfighter.png align=right]I’ve been named Freedom Fighter of the Month in the November issue of High Times. I think this happened either because of that incident where we crashed the White House contact page, or because they ran out of other people to give it to. In any case, I think it’s pretty cool.

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MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Slams Politicians for Opposing Marijuana Legalization

I’m sure I’ve never seen anything quite like this on MSNBC and it’s about time:

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Dr. Drew on Marijuana: “Legalize it and Whatever”

Here’s “Celebrity Addiction Specialist” Dr. Drew going out of his way to remind critics that he’s actually cool with legalizing marijuana (starts at 4:50):

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UK Government Rejects Advisors' Decriminalization Call

Britain's governmental Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has once again called for the decriminalization of drug possession.

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