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Massachusetts Marijuana Questions a Clean Sweep?

If I haven't misread the state web page at 1:18am, the local mariju

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Some Good News from New York

Some good news from New York: State Senator Eric Schneiderman, legislative leader of the partially successful effort to repeal the state's draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws, has cruised to a soli

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Insane Drug Warrior Wins Senate Seat

Insane hardcore drug warrior Rep. Mark Kirk from Illinois is now Senator-Elect Mark Kirk, if a two and a half percent leader with 96% of precincts reporting is an indication.

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Prop 19 at 56%-44% with 10% of Precincts Reporting

Update: statement from Richard Lee, Prop 19 Proponent

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Oregon Not Happening

Oregon's medical marijuana dispensary initiative is down 58%-42%, with 55% of precincts reporting.

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Arizona Down Slightly, But Too Soon to Fret

Arizona's medical marijuana initiative is down slightly, 50.5%-49.5%, but with only 15% of precincts reporting. I'm still predicting victory in Arizona, but we'll see.

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South Dakota Not Happening

With more than 80% of precincts reporting, South Dakota's medical marijuana initiative is losing 60-40. This is a substantial drop from 2006, when the initiative won 48%.

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Prop 19 Election Night Update

I wrote this for another post, but people seem to be clicking on this one, so I'm reprinting and updating here.

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Massive Youth Turnout Reported in San Diego

I just heard that young voter turnout from the universities in San Diego has been so huge that they ran out of ballots. If so, that would definitely be helpful for Prop 19.

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Whether Prop 19 Passes or Not, Legalization is Now Mainstream

Please check out my editorial that ran on Alternet this morning, "

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Marijuana Legalization Contingent at the Stewart/Colbert Rally

I am heading downtown after finishing this blog post, to join my cohorts in the drug policy contingent at the "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" this afternoon.

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Steve Cooley Hates Medical Marijuana

With all the excitement surrounding Prop 19, Steve Cooley's campaign for California Attorney General hasn't generated as much concern as it should. Americans for Safe Access has released a video to remind voters that Cooley is a vicious enemy of California's medical marijuana laws.

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More Evidence that the Obama Administration Doesn't Care About Prop 19

As I pointed out last week, the threat of federal interference if Prop 19 passes has been overblown considerably by opponents of marijuana legalization. Justin Elliot at Salon has more.

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Prop 19 Campaign Launches TV Ad

If Meg Whitman thinks no one in law enforcement supports legalizing marijuana, she might want to take a

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The World Can Learn from Switzerland's Drug Policy

In the late 1980s, Switzerland saw a significant increase in injection drug use, and the crime and public health harms that are associated with it under our prohibition system.

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How Could Legalization Destroy a State That's Already Covered in Pot Plants?

I really ought to be used to it by now, but few things piss me off more than hearing our opponents claim that marijuana legalization means introducing "another intoxicant" into our society. Variations on the whole "we have enough problems with alcohol and tobacco" argument have become a favorite weapon of the anti-reform crowd, yet we've never heard any of them endorsing prohibition of beer or cigarettes.

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Reason TV on Prop 19

Here's a nice piece from Reason that looks at the arguments on both sides of the marijuana debate.

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"Emperor of Hemp" Live Chat Tonight,'s Movie Night, 8:00-9:30pm

"Movie Night" tonight, on the widely-read blog, will feature Jeff Meyers, producer of the classic and now re-released video about hemp pioneer Jack Herer, and Emperor of Hemp director Jeff Jones. Tune in between 8:00pm and 9:30pm.

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Another New Ad for Prop 19

This one was put together by a supporter. Nice work.  

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Awesome YouTube Ad for Prop 19

Quick and to the point. I like it. Please help spread it around.

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