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Arizona Inching Up, Will It Make It?

Submitted by David Borden on

With 82% of precincts reporting, Prop 203 to legalize medical marijuana is behind, 49.7%-50.3%. An hour or two ago it was as low as 49.3%. Where the precincts that have yet to report are located makes all the difference, and we don't know where those are. Of course, the closer the reporting percentage gets to 100%, the harder it is to make up the difference.

This could happen, but it's pretty iffy at this point. I'm still hoping for victory, but no longer predicting the outcome one way or the other as I did earlier tonight. Use the page I linked to above, if you want to check the numbers before I post again.

Update: Please see a more complete analysis we published on Wednesday, which includes an action alert for Arizonans.

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