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You're Either For Legalizing Marijuana or You're Against It

A peculiar phenomenon amidst the deafening debate over Prop 19 is the tendency of some in the mainstream press to pay lip service to legalization, while simultaneously and dishonestly trashing the only available opportunity to actually do it:

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Los Angeles Times Hasn't Learned Anything After 14 Years of Legal Medical Marijuana

The mindless incoherence of Prop 19's opposition is really kicking into full-gear following Attorney General Eric Holder's statement that he'll continue to enforce federal law if California legalizes marijuana. LA Times is so intimidated by Holder that I can only assume they believe he possesses super powers or commands a vast army of narco-clone-soldiers capable of capturing every casual user in California:

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Does the Obama Administration Really Care if California Legalizes Marijuana?

Attorney General Eric Holder says he will "vigorously enforce" federal marijuana laws in California if Prop 19 passes, and he's taking a lot of well-deserved heat for it. To even suggest that he could somehow bust every pot-smoker in California is just ridiculous on its face, and reeks of desperate last-minute political manipulation. But after watching this event unfold and reading the statement itself, I'm less concerned about federal interference with Prop 19 than ever before.

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Opposing Marijuana Legalization Could Cost Jerry Brown the Governor's Race

Prop 19 gives California voters a choice between legalization and prohibition. The gubernatorial race, on the other hand, gives voters a choice between two cowards who pledge to continue waging war on their own constituents. Just watch Republican candidate Meg Whitman boasting about her drug war credentials:

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New Study Says Legalizing Marijuana Will Hurt Drug Cartels

RAND is known for publishing speculative analysis that appears to be aimed at undermining marijuana reform, but this passage from their latest study is pretty strong:

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Fact: If California Legalizes Marijuana, the Feds Can't Overturn It

Arguably the most plainly false argument to emerge in the debate over Prop 19 is that the new law could be "challenged in court" and overturned by the federal government if it passes. Obviously, opponents of marijuana legalization would like its supporters to believe their vote is pointless, but the truth is that Prop 19 would be just as legally binding as the medical marijuana law that came before it.

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If the Government Won't Fix Marijuana Laws, the People Will Do it Themselves

Opponents of marijuana reform have been arguing for years that ballot initiatives are the wrong way to make laws because they circumvent the input of state legislators and other stakeholders, thereby creating a risk of unintended consequences. We've heard this complaint repeatedly in regards to medical marijuana, and now the same is being said about Prop 19. But as far as we're concerned, anyone who doesn't want marijuana legalized this way has only one option: beat us to it.

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Quote of the Day

Last week's Wall Street Journal op-ed from nine former DEA administrators resulted in

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"Stoners Against Prop 19" Debunked in New Video

Last week we reported on the forces lined up for and against California's Prop 19.

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Taiwanese Animated Report on Prop 19 Marijuana Initiative

This video more or less speaks for itself. I doubt that marijuana smoking would be allowed in some of the public places where it depicts people doing that, but they were trying to present the arguments being made by both sides. One commenter on the video noted that they presented the stoned driver as going too slowly, not fast and recklessly, an insightful detail. As an east coaster it took me a few moments to remember this, but the bear is a symbol for the state of California.

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Obama May Soon be Forced to Embrace Marijuana Legalization

The President is opposed to legalizing marijuana. He's said so himself, and that's not likely to change without a fight. But the fight is on.

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Ex-DEA Bosses Lash Out Against Marijuana Legalization in California

With the Prop 19 vote less than a month away and polling strong, it has apparently dawned on the nation's top drug warriors that now might be a good time to start freaking out. Hence, we find nine former DEA administrators complaining in The Wall Street Journal that Attorney General Eric Holder hasn't been busy threatening Californians with a federal crackdown:

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Crazy Man Leads Opposition to Marijuana Legalization in California, Part II

Bishop Ron Allen is seriously one of the best things to ever happen to the marijuana legalization debate. In all my years of marijuana reform advocacy, I've never seen an opponent so unhinged, so incoherent and intoxicated by his own idiocy. Just watch this FOX News debate with MPP's Steve Fox and see if you can figure out what the hell Bishop Allen is trying to say:

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Please Stop Telling Politicians That Voters Like the Drug War

With due respect to David Harsanyi and Reason, I'm getting a little tired of being told that politicians and voters are united in opposition to reforming drug laws. How many times have we heard this before?

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Join me at FireDogLake Today for a Discussion With Author Ryan Grim

I'll be hosting the FDL Book Salon this afternoon at 3:30 ET for an online discussion of Ryan Grim's excellent book This is Your Country on Drugs: The Secret History of Getting High in America. I'll be moderating and Ryan will be taking questions. It should be fun. Join us if you can.

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Don't Worry, You're Going to Love Marijuana Legalization

Marcos Breton at the Sacramento Bee says he "might be wrong to oppose Proposition 19," and he's right about that at least. What follows is a frustrating editorial that offers some good reasons to support reform, before becoming overwhelmed by doubt and uncertainty.

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Top 10 Reasons to Let Americans Grow and Sell Marijuana

This is our contract with America, which we humbly submit in the hope of working together to build a better marijuana policy.

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Bill Bennett Blames 'Weeds' for Increasing Marijuana Use

Michael Whitney at FDL points out the latest crazy rant from former drug czar Bill Bennett, who co-authored a CNN piece today blaming drug use on everything and everyone except the people who choose to consume intoxicants.

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The Marijuana Legalization Debate Gets Uglier (And Other News)

I've been traveling this week and missed a lot of crazy and/or interesting stories, so let's try to get caught up here.

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Stop the Lies About Prop 19 -- It Will Help, Not Hurt, Medical Marijuana Patients

A small but loud group of medical marijuana businesses are in the media claiming that Prop 19, California's "tax and regulate" initiative to legalize marijuana, would make marijuana l

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