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This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
Drug prohibition funds the bloody mayhem in Mexico (Image via
Drug prohibition funds the bloody mayhem in Mexico (Image via

Mexico Drug War Update

Mexicans marched against drug war mayhem by the tens of thousands over the weekend, but the hit men didn't even break stride.
Prohibition corrupts (image via Wikimedia)
Prohibition corrupts (image via Wikimedia)

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

A Texas DA is on the wrong side of the bars, and so is a Kentucky jail guard. Meanwhile, crooked cops in Philly and California's East Bay have their own problems.
LAPD: "To protect and serve" (Image via
LAPD: "To protect and serve" (Image via

LA Narcs Kill Homeless Person Holding Knife

LAPD narcs encountered a homeless guy cutting drugs on the street, then shot and killed him when he turned toward them still holding the knife. That's drug war killing #25 for the year.
In The Trenches

Cops Hold Vigil in DC and Say: Legalize Drugs to Stop Police Deaths

NEWS ADVISORY: May 11, 2011

CONTACT: Tom Angell - 202-557-4979 or [email protected]

Cops Attend Candlelight Vigil and Say "Legalize Drugs" to Honor Fallen Colleagues
Peace Officers Memorial Day Expected to Draw Tens of Thousands to Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, DC -- In conjunction with Peace Officers Memorial Day, some police are pointing out how too many law enforcers are killed in the line of duty enforcing a senseless and unwinnable "war on drugs."  The group, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), is calling for the legalization and regulation off all drugs, and they're telling stories about their fallen friends and colleagues to back up their case.

"When one of my best friends was killed doing an undercover drug purchase, it opened my eyes to the fact that not only are these drug laws ineffective, but they lead to brave and dedicated law enforcers losing their lives," said Neill Franklin, a 34-year veteran of the Maryland State Police and the Baltimore Police Department, now LEAP's executive director. "Ed Toatley was one of the best narcotics agents the state of Maryland ever had, but this failed drug war wasn't worth him losing his life over."

See for more information about Ed Toatley's story.

WHO: Former police officers who support legalizing drugs

WHAT: Candlelight vigil in remembrance of fallen colleagues

WHEN: Friday, May 13 @ 7:30 PM EST

WHERE: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial; on E St. between 4th and 5th Sts., NW, Washington, DC

The candlelight vigil, which officially begins at 8:00 PM, is sponsored by the National Law Enforcers Memorial Fund and is part of National Police Week. 25,000 to 40,000 police officers and family members are expected to attend official events over the course of the week. The group of pro-legalization police officers will be available for on-site press interviews around 7:30 PM, before the start of the vigil.

More information about Police Week can be found at

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) represents police, prosecutors, judges, prison warders, federal agents and others who want to legalize and regulate drugs after fighting on the front lines of the "war on drugs" and learning firsthand that prohibition only serves to worsen addiction and violence. More info at

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If you're on welfare in Missouri and the state suspects you use drugs, you will have to provide this. (Image via
If you're on welfare in Missouri and the state suspects you use drugs, you will have to provide this. (Image via

Missouri Welfare Drug Test Bill Heads for Governor's Desk

A welfare drug testing bill has passed out of the Missouri legislature and is headed for the governor's desk. This one requires "reasonable suspicion."
In The Trenches

Maryland Governor Signs Medical Marijuana Defense and Study Bill (Press Release)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                             May 10, 2011


Maryland Governor Signs Medical Marijuana Defense and Study Bill

Gov. O’Malley Fulfills Promise to Offer Limited Patient Protections

CONTACT: Morgan Fox, communications manager………………………..202-905-2031 or [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland became the 16th state to remove criminal penalties for the medical use of marijuana today when Gov. Martin O’Malley signed SB 308 as promised. The bill allows seriously ill patients to avoid prosecution when charged with marijuana possession and creates a commission to study medical marijuana laws and make recommendations on how Maryland can institute such a program. This is the first time since 2003 that additional protections were considered, and it’s an important step toward protecting medical marijuana patients from arrest and ensuring that they have safe access to their medicine.

“We’re very happy that the Governor signed this bill into law and listened with compassion to seriously ill Marylanders who use marijuana to treat their conditions,” said Dan Riffle, legislative analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project. “We look forward to the study group created here making helpful recommendations to further protect such patients.”

Under the new law, individuals diagnosed with debilitating medical conditions, such as cancer or multiple sclerosis, can avoid conviction if charged with the non-public use or possession of one ounce or less of marijuana. An existing sentencing mitigation will remain part of the law, meaning patients who don’t qualify for the full affirmative defense would still have the opportunity to present evidence of medical necessity and have their sentence reduced to a $100 fine. In addition, a work group consisting of medical, legal, and law enforcement experts would be convened to recommend more comprehensive legislation next year. Advocates hope to be able to use that recommendation to pass a bill that offers patients complete protection from arrest and prosecution.

The work group should have the ability to observe a well-regulated medical marijuana program run by their neighbors in the District of Columbia. In April, the District began implementation of its long-awaited medical marijuana program by accepting applications for licensed and well-regulated cultivation centers and dispensaries. That program should be fully operational later this year.

With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


They will still have to prove the high driver is actually impaired in Colorado. (Image via
They will still have to prove the high driver is actually impaired in Colorado. (Image via

Colorado Marijuana and Driving Bill Fails

Language that would have created a per se drugged driving law in Colorado was briefly reinserted in a bill Friday, but then the bill was killed Monday.

Mexican Protesters Demand an End to the Drug War

[inline:Calderon.png align=right]

Frustrated beyond belief with the bloody consequences of President Calderon's aggressive drug war tactics, the people of Mexico are finally beginning to make some noise.

Jeffrey Wolfe was shot and killed in a dawn drug raid in Pennsylvania after police said he pointed a gun at them in his bedroom.
Jeffrey Wolfe was shot and killed in a dawn drug raid in Pennsylvania after police said he pointed a gun at them in his bedroom.

Pennsylvania SWAT Team Kills Meth Cooker in Drug Raid

A dawn drug raid in Pennsylvania ended with police shooting and killing a meth cook in his bedroom after they said he pulled a shotgun on them.
Medical marijuana edges ever closer at the state house in Dover. (Image via
Medical marijuana edges ever closer at the state house in Dover. (Image via

Delaware House Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

Medical marijuana has all but passed the Delaware legislature. Only one Senate concurrence vote remains, and that does not look like it will be a problem.
(image via
(image via

Florida Legislature Passes Welfare Drug Test Bill

Florida is about to become the first state to impose suspicionless drug testing on welfare recipients. And then it will likely spend a lot of taxpayer money on a probably futile attempt to defend its constitutionality.
Mike Bloomberg
Mike Bloomberg

NYC Mayor Bloomberg Discusses Drug Legalization

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg started to talk sense about drug legalization, but quickly fumbled. Meanwhile his police officers are arresting thousands of marijuana users -- in a city that has decriminalization!
Rally in Sacramento Monday for Dr. Mollie Fry and Dale Schafer. (Image courtesy ASA)
Rally in Sacramento Monday for Dr. Mollie Fry and Dale Schafer. (Image courtesy ASA)

Feds on New Medical Marijuana Offensive [FEATURE]

Federal prosecutors are threatening elected officials in states considering regulating medical marijuana dispensaries. It's working, so far.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.