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Medical marijuana patients don't forfeit their 2nd Amendment rights, at least in Rhode Island. (Image via
Medical marijuana patients don't forfeit their 2nd Amendment rights, at least in Rhode Island. (Image via

RI Judge Rules Medical Marijuana Growers Can Have Guns

Prosecutors can't convict a legal medical marijuana patient who legally owns a gun of being in possession of a weapon while committing a violent crime merely because he has a gun.
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Legal Medical Marijuana Grow-Op Bust Could Lead to RCMP Lawsuit

Velma Mullaney, 62, says she plans to sue the RCMP for busting her licensed medical marijuana grow-op. In March, police raided her place with guns drawn, kicked in doors and tore out her plants. Mullaney told the officers the grow-op was licenced but said officers refused to look at her permit or count the plants. Instead she was taken to jail and later released.
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Guatemala Attributes Drug Prohibition Massacre to Zetas, Declares State of Emergency

The massacre due to drug prohibition in Guatemala that left 27 people dead at a cattle ranch – believed to be the work of Mexico's notorious drug trafficking organization, the Zetas – has forced a 30-day state of emergency. None of the victims had ties to drug trafficking organizations, authorities said. Rather they were innocent ranch workers and their families caught up in an increasingly bloody prohibition war.
In The Trenches

War on Drugs, or a War on Cancer Patients? (Action Alert)

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Tell the Obama Administration to keep its word and stop threatening medical marijuana programs.

Take Action!

Write Attorney General Holder now!

Dear friends,

Medical marijuana patients across the country are under attack!

Despite the Obama Administration's promise to respect state laws, lawyers in the federal government are now threatening to arrest and prosecute people who are legally licensed to grow medical marijuana under state law.

These ideologues are trying to block sensible regulation – and they've already succeeded in Washington State.

We must stop them from erasing all the progress we've made and from leaving patients out in the cold.

Write U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder today to demand that the federal government keep its promise to respect state medical marijuana laws.

Back in 2009, the Obama Administration said they wouldn't use "justice department resources to circumvent state laws" on medical marijuana. They've kept their promise for the past two years, even issuing a memo that made this hands-off approach official policy.

But now, federal government lawyers are intimidating states with new medical marijuana programs in an attempt to end these programs before they even get started. It's already happened in Washington State, where the governor vetoed a promising medical marijuana bill. And if these threats continue, they could jeopardize our efforts in every state where medical marijuana legislation is on the table.

These lawyers are playing politics with the lives of patients who need medical marijuana to cope with debilitating pain and nausea. Take action now and ask the Attorney General to keep the Administration's promise to leave state medical marijuana programs alone.

To put a stop to these scare tactics, we don't need any laws changed – we just need the Attorney General to tell the handful of people sending the threats to stop.

Write Attorney General Holder today and ask him to keep his word by respecting patients' needs.

Then please spread the word – everything we've worked so hard to achieve is at risk!

Thank you again for your help.


Ethan Nadelmann
Executive Director
Drug Policy Alliance

The US Supreme Court -- dismantling the 4th amendment brick by brick
The US Supreme Court -- dismantling the 4th amendment brick by brick

Supreme Court Okays Police Search Based on Marijuana Odor, Noises

If the cops smell pot and knock on your door, you don't have to open it. They have to go get a warrant. But if, after they knock, they hear you making noises that sound like you're destroying evidence, they can kick the door down and come after you, the Supreme Court has ruled.
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A Visit to Oregon's Largest Legal Marijuana Farm

It is springtime on The Farm, a cooperative in the heart of Oregon's Applegate Valley wine country that will grow some 200 plants to supply about 70 card-carrying medical marijuana patients. Here, surrounded by wineries, bed and breakfasts, churches and a school, the legal side of marijuana operates in plain sight, visible to hang gliders soaring overhead, drivers on nearby roads, and viewers of Google Maps. "The fact is that they can grow marijuana right under our nose...Until we catch them doing something illegal with it, there is nothing we can do about it," said Grants Pass Police Sgt. Ray Myers.
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US Cattle Inspectors Leave Mexico Amid Drug Prohibition War

For years, these inspections have been conducted before cattle cross the border, but the drug prohibition war has prompted the U.S. to move some of its operations north. The change, instituted over the past year at three of the 11 ports along the U.S.-Mexico border, is drawing concern from some cattle raisers, who fear infections long eradicated in the U.S. but still showing up in Mexico will spread before inspection. The change is supposed to be temporary, although there are no immediate plans for the American inspectors to return to Mexico.
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Legal High Battle Shows Need for Drug Policy Rethink (Opinion)

Jeremy Sare of the Guardian says that when it comes to the new wave of legal highs, the UK's politicians are like Amish farmers blinking up at jet planes tearing across the sky. They are wilfully living "out of time" but certain of the virtue of their archaic methods. There is no evidence to suggest making a drug controlled can reduce its use.
They got 'er done in Dover. Delaware now joins the ranks of medical marijuana states. (Image via
They got 'er done in Dover. Delaware now joins the ranks of medical marijuana states. (Image via

Delaware Becomes 16th Medical Marijuana State

And then there were 16! Delaware has become the latest state to approve medical marijuana.
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Montana Referendum Taking on Medical Marijuana Law Filed

The Montana Cannabis Industry Association filed legal papers with the secretary of state’s office Thursday to start a signature-gathering effort to let Montanans vote in 2012 on a soon-to-be medical marijuana law it opposes. The paperwork was delivered to Secretary of State Linda McCulloch’s office late Thursday. "We’re moving forward on all fronts," said Kate Cholewa, spokeswoman for the group. "The people want what they voted for and what the Legislature did is not it."
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New York Bill Would Reduce Charge for Marijuana Possession

In a rare show of bipartisanship and upstate-downstate agreement, freshman state Sen. Mark Grisanti is co-sponsoring a bill with Democratic Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries to reduce from a misdemeanor to a violation public possession of small amounts of marijuana. The co-sponsors say many people, especially minorities in New York City, end up getting arrested for small amounts if they are stopped by a police officer and told to empty their pockets -- at which point the possession becomes public.
The Pima County SWAT team is under the spotlight. (Image courtesy Pima County Sheriff's Office)
The Pima County SWAT team is under the spotlight. (Image courtesy Pima County Sheriff's Office)

Tucson SWAT Team Kills Armed Homeowner in Drug Raid

In what looks like a drug raid wrong on many levels, a 26-year-old Afghan and Iraq war vet was killed by a Tucson SWAT team after his frightened wife woke him up to say there were intruders in the home and he grabbed a gun.
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Chicago Man Dies During Attempted Drug Arrest

A Chicago man is dead after allegedly swallowing a bag of drugs in a bid to avoid arrest. He's the 26th person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations this year.
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Medical Marijuana Legislation Gets Another Shot in Washington State

Washington medical marijuana advocates have been trying to pass a bill to allow marijuana dispensaries. Last month, Governor Chris Gregoire vetoed large parts of their bill. She said it would’ve put state workers in the position of violating federal law. Gregoire says she wants all the states that allow medical marijuana to petition the federal government to reclassify cannabis as a schedule II drug. She scheduled a conference call among those states Thursday.
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Border Region Lives in Fear Amid Mexico's Drug Prohibition War

Since Mexican President Felipe Calderon militarized his country's battle to continue drug prohibition in December 2006, more than 34,600 have died in prohibition violence. Along with the violence has grown a pervasive culture of corruption and fear. After the discovery of the most recent mass graves, 16 police officers were detained under suspicion of involvement. Despite the government's promises of security and increased aid, many remain unconvinced, and say that governmental control in the region is visible little, if at all.
The battle over medical marijuana is far from over in Montana (Image via
The battle over medical marijuana is far from over in Montana (Image via

Montana Medical Marijuana Industry Fights Back [FEATURE]

With a draconian medical marijuana "reform" bill set to become law in a matter of weeks, the Montana medical marijuana industry is fighting back with lawsuits and an initiative campaign.