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Central Asian countries are getting in on the Afghan drug trade, according to a new report. (
Central Asian countries are getting in on the Afghan drug trade, according to a new report. (

Chronicle AM -- July 3, 2014

The Afghan poppy trade is spilling over into Central Asia, legal marijuana goes on sale in Washington state on Tuesday, Georgia holds off on welfare drug testing, a California sentencing reform bill is now one vote away from passage, and more.
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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_138.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

An Arizona researcher gets fired for apparently political reasons, new medical marijuana-related laws come into effect in several states, California dispensary conflicts continue as the Assembly grapples with a statewide regulation bill, and more.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

There seem to a lot of cops with pain pill problems these days, but we also have more old-fashioned drug war corruption, such as stealing and reselling drug evidence and tipping off dope dealers.

Two More Drug War Deaths

A Texas man has drowned fleeing a drug bust, and a Florida man has been shot and killed during one. They become the 22nd and 23rd persons to die in US domestic drug law enforcment operations so far this year.
According to the CDC, 46 people a day die of prescription opiate overdoses. (
According to the CDC, 46 people a day die of prescription opiate overdoses. (

Chronicle AM -- July 2, 2014

The Louisiana State Bar goes where the state legislature wouldn't, the Florida medical marijuana initiative gets a big cash donation, the CDC issues an eye-opening report on opioid prescribing, some Vancouverites celebrate Canada Day with an illegal open marijuana market, and more.
Legal marijuana purchaser eyes the products on offer. (Sandra Yruel/Drug Policy Alliance)
Legal marijuana purchaser eyes the products on offer. (Sandra Yruel/Drug Policy Alliance)

Chronicle AM -- July 1, 2014

July 1 sees new drug-related laws and regulations going into effect in various places, a University of Arizona researcher falls victim to anti-medical marijuana politics, Massachusetts is cracking down on caregivers, Ohio activists give up on a medical marijuana (and hemp) initiative this year, and more.
Bill Clinton is ready to let the states experiment on marijuana policy. (
Bill Clinton is ready to let the states experiment on marijuana policy. (

Chronicle AM -- June 30, 2014

The Big Dog opines on marijuana, a California sentencing reform initiative qualifies for the ballot, the DC legalization initiative looks poised to make the ballot, municipal decrim initiative campaigns are underway in New Mexico's largest cities, the drug war is driving grand jury indictments in an East Texas county, and more.
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flag colorado_2.png

Chronicle AM -- June 27, 2014

Things are looking good after legalization in Colorado, a medical marijuana bill moves in Pennsylvania, food stamp drug testing is on hold in Mississippi, hash battles break out in Libya, and more.
fundraiser for the Florida medical marijuana initiative, at the Vicente-Sederberg law firm following the NCIA summit
fundraiser for the Florida medical marijuana initiative, at the Vicente-Sederberg law firm following the NCIA summit

Chronicle AM -- June 26, 2014

It's UN anti-drug day, and protests to mark it are going on in at least 80 cities around the world, House Republicans move to block DC decrim, the Oregon legalization initiative looks set to make the ballot, the ACLU has a strong new report out on SWAT teams, and more.
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Supreme Court Seal_of_the_United_States_Supreme_Court_svg_7.png

Cops Need Warrants to Search Cell Phones, Supreme Court Rules

In a landmark ruling for privacy rights, a unanimous Supreme Court has held that police may not search the contents of cell phones and other hand-held devices "incident to arrest." Instead, they must get a warrant.
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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_137.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

A Senate companion to the successful House DEA defunding amendment has been filed, New York becomes the 23rd medical marijuana state, a CBD bill is moving in North Carolina, Rhode Island retrenches, and more.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Last week may have been slow on the police corruption front, but we make up for it this week. A Washington SWAT team member goes bad, an NYPD officer pays for going bad, a former Colorado sheriff also pays a price, an Arkansas cop gets nailed for protecting what he thought were dope loads, and, of course, more jail and prison guards get in trouble.
Coming soon to a store near you -- if you live in Washington state.
Coming soon to a store near you -- if you live in Washington state.

Chronicle AM -- June 24, 2014

Your fearless reporter has been traveling, so our schedule is a little off, but the drug policy news continues. Paul Stanford calls it quits in Oregon, pot shops are coming within days in Washington, an Alabama drug task needs to reconsider its priorities (or maybe the people funding it need to reconsider theirs), and more.

Worldwide Protests Set for UN Anti-Drugs Day This Thursday [FEATURE]

The UN's annual anti-drug day is Thursday, but this year, it is going to be met by a counter-campaign calling for drug decriminalization, harm reduction, and human rights in the drug war. "Support, Don't Punish" protests are being held in 80 cities worldwide. Is yours one?
Killed by a Utah narc. Finally, there might be some justice for Danielle Willard. (
Killed by a Utah narc. Finally, there might be some justice for Danielle Willard. (

Chronicle AM -- June 20, 2014

Two killer narcs face consequences for their actions, New York is set to become the 23rd medical marijuana state, the Pope comments on drug policy, prohibition-related violence flares in Mexico and Peru, and more.
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Medical Marijuana Passes in New York

After last-minute compromises between legislators and Gov. Cuomo, the legislature has approved a medical marijuana bill, and Cuomo says he will sign it. But it's more restrictive than patients and advocates would have liked.