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House Votes to Let Banks Take Deposits from Marijuana Businesses

In an historic vote Wednesday, the US House has approved an amendment to the Treasury Department appropriations bill barring the agency from spending any money to punish financial institutions that provide services to marijuana businesses where it is legal.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

More cops with pill problems, more jail guards looking to earn a little easy money. Just another week in the corrupt cop front of the drug war.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_140.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_140.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

A CBD cannabis oil bill becomes law in Missouri, the District of Columbia expands its medical marijuana program, Michigan prepares to improve its program, Berkeley will provide free medical marijuana for the poor and homeless, an LA medical marijuana farmers' market gets an injunction slapped on it, and more.
Marijuana businesses could go to the bank under a measure passed by the House today. (Drug Policy Alliance/Sandra Yruel)
Marijuana businesses could go to the bank under a measure passed by the House today. (Drug Policy Alliance/Sandra Yruel)

Chronicle AM -- July 16, 2014

The House okays marijuana banking, DC decriminalizes tomorrow, DC expands its medical marijuana program, Miami-Dade taxpayers pay for a particularly heinous killer drug raid, a lot of states did sentencing reforms last year, and more.

White House Weighs in on DC Marijuana Reform Battle [FEATURE]

The White House has spoken about directly about House Republican efforts to block the District of Columbia from implementing its new decriminalization law. It doesn't approve, and it cites states' rights and home rule. It joins a slew of DC residents and officials telling Congress to bugger off.
US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), the first sitting Republican congressman to endorse marijuana legalization. (
US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), the first sitting Republican congressman to endorse marijuana legalization. (

Chronicle AM -- July 15, 2014

The Obama administration comes out against congressional interference with the District of Columbia's decriminalization law, Dana Rohrabacher comes out as the first Republican congressman to support marijuana legalization, the Smarter Sentencing Act picks up more sponsors, and more.
A new ad from the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Nevada.
A new ad from the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Nevada.

Chronicle AM -- July 14, 2014

Happy Bastille Day! And speaking of which, the US Sentencing Commission is reporting heavy public response to its proposal to make some sentencing reforms retroactive. Meanwhile, marijuana remains on the move, the good burghers of New York will pay for another drug war killing, millennials loosen up on drugs, and more.
One of the two dogs killed in a St. Paul SWAT team raid that scored a bong and a grinder. (family photo)
One of the two dogs killed in a St. Paul SWAT team raid that scored a bong and a grinder. (family photo)

Chronicle AM -- July 11, 2014

A St. Paul drug raid is raising questions about police tactics, the hemp industry wants to clarify something, Tennessee gets its first bust under a law criminalizing drug-using pregnant women (and its first threat of a legal challenge), Pennsylvania issues opiate prescribing guidelines, and more.
Mexican cartels find a new way to bring drugs over the border. (
Mexican cartels find a new way to bring drugs over the border. (

Chronicle AM -- July 10, 2014

Forget Amazon's promised drone deliveries; the Mexican cartels have beat them to it. Also, Massachusetts cops will need to do more than just smell weed to search you or your vehicle, Arizona PTSD patients are okayed to use medical marijuana, Uruguay delays the roll-out of its legal marijuana sales, and more.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_139.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_139.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

New York becomes the 23rd medical marijuana state, North Carolina becomes a high-CBD cannabis oil state, Utah issues the first permits for high-CBD cannabis oil, Californians prepare to lobby for a statewide regulation bill, and more.
Under Maryland's new decrim law, that bud won't get you arrested, but the pipe will. ( fenderson)
Under Maryland's new decrim law, that bud won't get you arrested, but the pipe will. ( fenderson)

Chronicle AM -- July 9, 2014

The White House issues its annual drug control strategy, the Brooklyn DA announces an end to most small-time marijuana possession arrests, a suburban Maryland county adopts a marijuana reform resolution, the first medical cannabis oil permits are issued in Utah, Lebanese hash farmers vow to fight to protect their crops, and more.

Florida Man Killed in SWAT Raid Over Small-Time Marijuana Sales

A Tampa man was shot and killed by a police SWAT team over marijuana sales totaling less than $200. In an unusual twist, the local newspaper actually did an in-depth investigation of the incident, and the results aren't pretty.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

We present a trio of law enforcement miscreants, including a Houston deputy who was ripping off dealers and selling their wares, a North Carolina cop with a pill problem, and a Baltimore schools cop who was flipping rocks on the side.
Marc Emery is about to leave the land of the living dead and rejoin his wife, Jodi, back home in Canada. (
Marc Emery is about to leave the land of the living dead and rejoin his wife, Jodi, back home in Canada. (

Chronicle AM -- July 8, 2014

There are now two states where marijuana can be legally sold to adults, Marc Emery's time in America's drug war gulag comes to an end, two senators file the REDEEM Act for ex-offenders, there may be magic in those mushrooms, and more.
outside DC election headquarters (
outside DC election headquarters (

DC Marijuana Initiative Hands in Plenty of Signatures [FEATURE]

An initiative that would legalize the possession and cultivation of small amounts of marijuana appears poised to qualify for the ballot after organizers handed in more than twice the needed number of signatures.
Handing in signatures to DC election officials this morning. (
Handing in signatures to DC election officials this morning. (

Chronicle AM -- July 7, 2014

This fall's drug policy initiative picture is beginning to clear up, with DC and Oregon seemingly on the way to voting on marijuana legalization in November, the first retailer sales licenses for marijuana in Washington state were issued today, with the signature of Gov. Cuomo, New York becomes the 23rd medical marijuana state, and more.