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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • pile-of-cash_25.jpg

    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    A former Border Patrol agent goes to prison, a former deputy police chief cops a plea, a sticky-fingered former cop gets sent away, too, and a deputy and three jail guards get busted.
  • Unless Sensible Washington comes back next year, it will be up to New Approach Washington (image from New Approach WA)
    Unless Sensible Washington comes back next year, it will be up to New Approach Washington (image from New Approach WA)

    Washington Marijuana Legalization Initiative Falls Short

    One Washington state marijuana legalization initiative is dead, but another, less radical, one is just getting underway.
  • Marijuana has no accepted medical use, the DEA claims. (image via
    Marijuana has no accepted medical use, the DEA claims. (image via

    DEA Denies Marijuana Rescheduling Petition

    In a through-the-looking-glass move, the DEA has denied a petition to reschedule marijuana, arguing it has no accepted medical use.
  • The initiative would allow you to grow six of these or go the pot shop and buy some. (image via
    The initiative would allow you to grow six of these or go the pot shop and buy some. (image via

    Colorado Marijuana Initiative Campaign Gets Underway

    An initiative that would legalize possession of up to an ounce of pot (or the harvest of up to six plants) and tax and regulate commercial sales is now gathering signatures in Colorado.
  • President Obama is losing friends in the medical marijuana community. (image from
    President Obama is losing friends in the medical marijuana community. (image from

    Administration Medical Marijuana Memo Causes Dismay, Anger [FEATURE]

    The Obama Justice Department's "clarification" of its approach to medical marijuana is causing reactions ranging from dismay and disgust to confusion among advocates. Battle lines are being drawn.