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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Ecstasy tablets. A federal judge has ruled that Ecstasy offenses are punished too harshly. (Image:
    Ecstasy tablets. A federal judge has ruled that Ecstasy offenses are punished too harshly. (Image:

    Federal Judge Rejects Ecstasy Sentencing Guidelines

    The federal sentencing guidelines for Ecstasy offenses are too harsh and not supported by the scientific evidence, a federal district judge has ruled.
  • Hawaii teachers won't have to provide these to keep their jobs. (image via
    Hawaii teachers won't have to provide these to keep their jobs. (image via

    Hawaii Teachers Fend Off Random Drug Testing

    After more than three years of controversy and challenges, the state of Hawaii has given up on trying to impose random, suspicionless drug testing on teachers.
  • Miami Beach -- sun, sand... and sinsemilla? (image via
    Miami Beach -- sun, sand... and sinsemilla? (image via

    Miami Beach Likely to Vote on Marijuana Decrim

    Miami Beach could become the first city in Florida to decriminalize pot possession after campaigners handed in more than double the number of voter signatures they needed to put a measure on the ballot.
  • Cash and guns Mexico_13.jpg
    Cash and guns Mexico_13.jpg

    Mexico Drug War Update

    At an absolute minimum, at least 74 people were killed in prohibition-related violence in Mexico in the last week. Sad to say, there's nothing unusual about the death toll.
  • parthenon_39.gif

    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.