David Borden
Thank you for helping StoptheDrugWar.org publish 700 issues of Drug War Chronicle!
We reach this milestone at a time of challenge in drug policy, but also of unprecedented reform opportunity. Phillip Smith's feature story this issue outlines what to look out for in Congress this year and next, and the issue as a whole provides a partial overview of recent trends in the drug war.
There is much more to be said, of course -- stay tuned for more such overviews from Phil -- and for some thoughts from our executive director, David Borden, on the tasks confronting drug policy reformers; why despite the significance of the challenges the opportunities nevertheless exceed them, if we take the long view; and why your efforts as part of the drug policy reform movement are as important as ever if not more.
In the meanwhile, if you value the service that Drug War Chronicle and StoptheDrugWar.org provide, I hope you'll consider supporting us in one or both of two ways:
- We are in between newsletter grants, and that makes our need for individual donations more important right now -- Drug War Chronicle is free to read but not to produce! Click here to make a donation by credit card or PayPal, or to print out a form to send in by mail.
- Please send quotes and reports on how you put our flow of information to work, for use in upcoming grant proposals and letters to funders or potential funders. Do you use StoptheDrugWar.org as a source for public speaking? For letters to the editor? Helping you talk to friends or associates about the issue? Research? Personal edification? Have you changed your mind about any aspects of drug policy since subscribing, or inspired you to get involved in the cause? Do you reprint or repost portions of our bulletins on other lists or in other newsletters? Do you have any criticisms or complaints, or suggestions? We want to hear those too. Please send your responses -- one or two sentences would be fine; more is great, too -- by email [email protected] or reply to a Chronicle email or use our online comment form. Please let us know if we may reprint your comments, and if so, if we may include your name or if you wish to remain anonymous. IMPORTANT: Even if you have given us this kind of feedback before, we could use your updated feedback now too -- we need to hear from you!
Phil Smith and David Guard
Again, thank you for helping us reach this milestone, and for joining us today to celebrate it -- a brighter future lies ahead, with your help.
David Borden, Executive Director
Washington, DC
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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