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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Job Opportunity: Executive Director, Colorado Alliance for Marijuana Reform

    The Colorado Alliance for Marijuana Reform has an immediate opening for an Executive Director in its Denver office. This is a new position, designed to take advantage of current opportunities to promote marijuana policy reform in Colorado via ballot measures, legislative advocacy, and public education.
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    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
  • Cash and guns Mexico_15.jpg
    Cash and guns Mexico_15.jpg

    Mexico Drug War Update

    More cartel drug busts, more dead bodies, no apparent impact on the flow of drugs north and cash south.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    An Oklahoma police chief gets caught with meth and weed, a New Mexico cop goes to prison for blowing up an FBI investigation, and a Colorado deputy is being looked at for some missing evidence money.
  • The Las Vegas Metro Police K-9 unit is part of the state and federal Interdiction Team (Image: LVMPD)
    The Las Vegas Metro Police K-9 unit is part of the state and federal Interdiction Team (Image: LVMPD)

    Two More Drug War Deaths

    Two more drug war deaths this week, and these ones were bizarre.
  • Linn State Technical College
    Linn State Technical College

    ACLU Blocks Missouri College Drug Testing

    A Missouri technical college's plan to force students to take suspicionless drug tests is on hold after the ACLU of Eastern Missouri filed suit and won a temporary restraining order.