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Dutch to Ban Khat

The Dutch government will ban khat, a plant favored by Somali and Yemeni immigrants for its mild stimulative properties.

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Time to Rethink Drug Raids, Police Trainers Say

An increase in police deaths by gunfire last year and the bloody Ogden, Utah, drug raid that left one officer dead last week are causing some police to think again about the utility of aggressive d

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Michigan Repeal Marijuana Prohibition Initiative Gearing Up [FEATURE]

Michigan medical marijuana patients are tired of getting pushed around by state officials, so they've come up with a novel solution: Just repeal the marijuana laws once and for all.

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This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past. Weekly Chronicle feature here.

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Major Study Finds No Lung Damage for Marijuana Smokers

[inline:marijuanasmoke.jpg align=right]Among the most frequent words to fall from the lips of your typical anti-pot propagandist are almost always some sort of insistence that the stuff destroys your lungs. According to them, you hippies are all gonna choke on your bongs, and probably a lot sooner than you think.

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Florida Medical Marijuana Bills Filed

For the second year in a row, medical marijuana legislation has been filed in Florida, and for the first time ever, bills have been filed in both the House and the Senate.

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Mitt Romney Promises "A Full Answer" About the Drug War

At least, I hope that's what he meant by this response.

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Ron Paul's Least Controversial Idea: Legalizing Drugs

[inline:RonPaul.jpg align=right]I've been so busy marveling at the disturbingly idiotic drug policy positions of various republican presidential candidates that I've largely failed to comment on the candidate who is actually fighting for drug policy reform. Iowa doesn't even have medical marijuana yet, but a guy who wants to end the drug war entirely went in there and shook things up so hard that many were relieved when he only pulled 21.4% of the vote.

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Supreme Court Will Hear Florida Drug Dog Case

The US Supreme Court said Friday it would decide whether having a drug dog sniff at the door of a private residence violates the Fourth Amendment's proscription against warrantless searches.

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Tallahassee to Pay in Death of Informant Rachel Hoffman

The city of Tallahassee has agreed to a $2.6 million settlement in the killing of Rachel Hoffman, a collegiate drug scenester whom police s

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Rick Santorum on Imprisoning Non-Violent Drug Offenders: "The federal government doesn't do that."

From the same presidential candidate who brought you, "I don't know my medical marijuana laws very well," comes yet another mind-bending morsel of jaw-dropping ignorance.

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Recreational Drug User Asks Newt Gingrich if She Should Be Arrested

…And for like the first time ever, the most notorious blowhard in the GOP has very little to say.

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Mitt Romney Doesn't Know What Industrial Hemp Is

This is…I mean, what can I even…oh whatever, just watch.

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Rick Santorum: "I don't know my medical marijuana laws very well."

An instant classic on the campaign trail in New Hampshire.

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Poll Finds Washington State Voters Split on Marijuana Legalization

A poll released Wednesday found more support for than opposition to marijuana legalization in Washington state, but with support under 50%.

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Five Utah Police Wounded, One Killed in Drug Raid

An Ogden, Utah, police officer was shot and killed and five others wounded, two in critical condition, in a drug raid on an Ogden home Wednesday night.

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Who Are the Extremists in the Drug War Debate?

This piece has already been cremated by Pete Guither and its ashes thrown from a mountaintop by David Sirota, but in case you missed Kevin Sabet's lament in the New York Times about his lonesome quest to find reasonable voices in the drug war debate, well, I just wish you could've seen the expression it left on my face.

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Strange New Website Attacks Marijuana Legalization… and Vegans

[inline:thoughtful-living-shirts.jpg align=right caption="Get your anti-vegan, anti-pot shirts while supplies last!"]When I arrived randomly at, it appeared at first glance to be a website literally created for the dual purposes of opposing marijuana legalization and condemning the practice of eating a vegan diet. And, as crazy as this sounds, further inquiry reveals that that's just exactly what it is.

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Newt Gingrich Says George Washington Would Have Punished Pot Growers

Pot growers such as…George Washington? This gem comes courtesy of our friends at SSDP who are on the ground in New Hampshire confronting candidates about the War on Drugs.

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