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Arizona Governor's Medical Marijuana Lawsuit Dismissed

A federal judge Wednesday threw out a lawsuit filed on behalf of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) that had blocked the implementation of the state's voter-approved medical marijuana dispensary program.

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Medical Marijuana Update

The latest on the medical marijuana front -- Chronicle story here.

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This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past. In Drug War Chronicle, here.

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Supreme Court Asked to Take Drug Dog Case

The US Supreme Court has upheld drug dog sniffs of vehicles, luggage at airports, and packages in transit. Now, the state of Florida wants it to uphold a drug dog sniff at your front door.

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This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

The Chronicle may have taken a week off, but drug prohibition-related police corruption didn't. And so we have two weeks worth of corrupt cops.

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Statewide Colorado Marijuana Initiative Turns in Signatures

Proponents of a Colorado marijuana legalization initiative turned in more than 159,000 signatures to the secretary of state's office Wednesday, nearly twice as many as the 86,500 required for the m

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The Top Ten Domestic US Drug Policy Stories of 2011 [FEATURE]

We can put 2011 to bed now, but not before looking back one last time at the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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Washington Marijuana Legalization Initiative Hands in Signatures

Washington state marijuana legalization initiative supporters turned in enough signatures last week to almost guarantee that the measure will be on the ballot in November.

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At Year's End, Five More US Drug War Deaths

Five people, including a Florida police officer, have died in recent days in incidents related to domestic drug law enforcement.

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The Top Ten International Drug Policy Stories of 2011

The new year is almost upon us and 2011 will soon be a year for the history books. But we can't let it go without recognizing the biggest global drug policy stories of the year.

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Mexico Drug War Update

There has been no holiday break in Mexico's prohibition-related mayhem, but it's now looking like this year's death toll is going to be down slightly from last year. 

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This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past. Chronicle story here.

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Marc Emery Christmas Prison Blog

Marc Emery is approaching the halfway mark of his prison term. In a blog post on, "It's a Wonderful Life," he posts a few of the 3,500 letters of support he's received and reminds us that there are hundreds of thousands of nonviolent drug war prisoners in the US.

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Pain Patients Lose a Leading Advocate, Siobhan Reynolds, 1961-2011

[image:1 align:right caption:true]My friend and colleague Siobhan Reynolds, founder of the Pain Relief Network (PRN), died in a p

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Jurors Can (and Should) Refuse to Convict in Marijuana Cases

[inline:scalesofjustice.jpg align=right]Paul Butler has an important piece in the New York Times reminding all of us that we don’t have to enforce unjust laws when we serve on a jury.

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What if Legalizing Marijuana Turns Our Kids Into A Bunch of Bong-Mongering Hippies?

[inline:towlie.jpg align=right]That's what Sue Rusche wants to know, and someone better give her an answer, because Sue Rusche is one of the nation's leading experts at being afraid of drugs.

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Mexico Drug War Update

2011 is wrapping up as slightly less bloody than 2010 in Mexico's plague of prohibition-related violence, but the death toll this year is still well above 10,000. 

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Medical Marijuana Update

More restrictions on medical marijuana, more California dispensaries close, more Montana dispensary operators head for federal prison, and California activists file an initiative to regulate and ta

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This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past, in Drug War Chronicle, here.

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This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

There's big problems in the Nassau County, Florida, sheriff's office, and more drug prohibition-related police misconduct as well.

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