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Dallas Narc Kills Man in Amtrak Train Shootout

An undercover Dallas narcotics officer shot and killed a man who opened fire on him as he and other officers swept an idling Amtrak train for drugs.

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Drug Crop-Killing Fungi Too Risky, Scientists Say

No "Frankenfungi" for the drug warriors just yet -- we don't know enough about the dangers of using

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NY Marijuana Smoker Dies in Confrontation with Cop

A College of Staten Island employee died November 29 in a confrontation with an NYPD officer after he was caught smoking marijuana in a campus bathroom. 

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NY Times: DEA Launders Mexico Drug Cartel Profits

American undercover agents, primarily with the DEA, have laundered or smuggled millions of dollars in drug proceeds from Mexican drug trafficking organizations as part of their investigations into

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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Slams the War on Drugs

Last week’s joint statement from two state governors calling for the rescheduling of marijuana overshadowed another big story: NJ Gov. Chris Christie’s call for an end to the War on Drugs.

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New Jersey Pharmacy Needle Sales Bill Passes

A bill that would allow for the sale of syringes in pharmacies without a prescription has cleared the New Jersey legislature with bipartisan support and awaits the governor's signature. 

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You Can’t Fire Cops for Supporting Drug Legalization

[inline:LEAP.jpg align=right]New York Times has a fantastic story on the fate of a few law enforcement officials who’ve been fired for questioning the wisdom of the war on drugs, and are now likely to win big settlements from their former employers.

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Czechs Decriminalize Peyote, Magic Mushroom Growing

Czechs will be able to grow peyote and magic mushrooms under reforms in the drug laws approved by the Cabinet this week.

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Bill O’Reilly Thinks Medical Marijuana is a Sneaky Plot to Give People Medicine, Or Something

On the eve of their cable TV debut, Steve and Andrew DeAngelo of Harborside Health Center appeared on O’Reilly. He wasn’t very nice to them.

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"Weed Wars" Reality TV Series Premiering Tonight

Check out this preview, then check out the show itself tonight.

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Honduras Calls Out the Army to Fight Drug Cartels

The Honduran congress voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to send out the armed forces to combat Mexican drug trafficking organizations.

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New Study Finds Traffic Fatalities Decline with Medical Marijuana Laws [FEATURE]

A study released this week has found legalizing medical marijuana has resulted in a nearly 9% decline in traffic deaths and a 5% reduction in beer sales in states that allow it.

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Two Governors Call on DEA to Reschedule Marijuana as Medicine [FEATURE]

Two medical marijuana state governors, Rhode Island Gov.

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This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past -- including the repeal of alcohol prohibition. In this week's Drug War Chronicle,

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This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

It's prison guards gone wild this week, plus a really sleazy deputy gets a sweet deal and a 'roided cop takes a plea deal.

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Mexico Drug War Update

Mexican human rights activists have filed a complaint in the Hague against President Calderon for human rights violations committed by Mexican security forces, also mentioning crimes committed by d

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Newt Gingrich Wants to Kill Dealers, Drug Test Everybody Else

[inline:Newt_Gingrich_by_Gage_Skidmore_retouched.jpg align=right caption="Newt Gingrich (photo courtesy Gage Skidmore via"]Ever since Newt Gingrich became the latest front-runner for the republican presidential nomination, a lot of people have been reminding us how horrible he is on drug policy issues. Heck, even Next Gingrich has been reminding us how horrible Newt Gingrich is on drug policy issues:

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Evanston, Illinois, Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession

The Chicago suburb of Evanston has decriminalized the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana in a bid to cut costs and save youth from criminal records. 

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