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Mitt Romney Promises "A Full Answer" About the Drug War

Submitted by smorgan on

At least, I hope that's what he meant by this response.

Of course, there is absolutely nothing on Mitt Romney's website that explains his views about the War on Drugs. But maybe – hopefully – what Romney meant wasn't that he had a drug policy page on his site, but rather that he plans to create one. He's right that it's a long question, so if he's going to put together a long answer, well, I'm looking forward to seeing it.

How amazing it is, though, that a group of college students had to follow him around for days and demand answers on drug policy before it even occurred to him that he needs to have a position on this. In all likelihood, it never even occurred to Mitt Romney before this very moment that this issue is actually important enough that people would want to know what he thinks about it before deciding if he should be president.

(This article was published by's lobbying arm, the Drug Reform Coordination Network, which also shares the cost of maintaining this web site. DRCNet Foundation takes no positions on candidates for public office, in compliance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and does not pay for reporting that could be interpreted or misinterpreted as doing so.)

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