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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Chavis Carter (
    Chavis Carter (

    Handcuffed Marijuana Arrestee Shot, Killed in Police Car

    Police say a young Mississippi man shot himself while cuffed with his hands behind his back in the back sear of a police car with a gun they missed while searching him after arresting him for marijuana. His mother isn't buying it.
  • A Lebanese marijuana plot before being burned by eradicators (
    A Lebanese marijuana plot before being burned by eradicators (

    Lebanon Hashish Eradication Hits New Obstacle

    Lebanon's annual effort to wipe out hashish production is having a particularly rocky time this year. On Tuesday, eradicators were stuck without bulldozers after locals refused to rent to them. At least no one was shooting at them this week.
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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    A crank-dealing sheriff cops a plea, an LA narc gets a case of sticky fingers, an Arkansas narc develops a fondness for dope, and a North Carolina parole officer gets caught forcing his parolees to supply him with dope.
  • Even the feds can no longer sustain current mass incarceration policies. (US Supreme Court)
    Even the feds can no longer sustain current mass incarceration policies. (US Supreme Court)

    DOJ to Sentencing Commission: Fewer Prisoners, Please

    The Justice Department is signaling it wants a smaller federal prison population because we can't afford our mass incarceration binge anymore, but it doesn't want to talk about the drug war.
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    medical-marijuana COLO DOT_3.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Rescheduling Lawsuit Moving

    Ten years after the Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis filed a petition to remove marijuana from Schedule I and one year after the DEA rejected that petition, a federal appeals court is set to hear the evidence.
  • activists protest exclusion of drug users and sex workers (conference video at
    activists protest exclusion of drug users and sex workers (conference video at

    "You Can't Stop AIDS Without Ending the Drug War" [FEATURE]

    The International AIDS Conference in Washington this week saw foreign drug users and sex workers excluded even amidst a rising clamor for ending the drug war to help stop the spread of disease.
  • coca plant (UNODC)
    coca plant (UNODC)

    Colombian Coca Cultivation Ticks Upward

    Coca production in Colombia ticked upward last year after four straight years of declines, the UNODC said in a new report. It's still way down from its peak, though.
  • MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_42.jpg
    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_42.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    Harborside fights for its life, LA bans dispensaries, and Oregon transplant hospitals are lightening up on medical marijuana patients. Those are the big stories this week, but there's plenty more, too.
  • Do_Not_Cross,_Crime_Scene_17.jpg

    Two More US Drug War Deaths

    One man is dead after swallowing drugs and being hit with a stun gun in Indianapolis as he tried to flee an arrest. Another is dead in Massachusetts after he was shot trying to flee an arrest in his car.