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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Brian Vicente, Rob Kampia, and Steve Fox listen to Mason Tvert in Denver as Amendment 64 passes.
    Brian Vicente, Rob Kampia, and Steve Fox listen to Mason Tvert in Denver as Amendment 64 passes.

    Colorado, Washington Legalize Marijuana! [FEATURE]

    Not one, but two states voted Tuesday to end marijuana prohibition. Initiatives passed in Colorado and Washington, but came up short in Oregon.
  • We Are Also Posting in the Speakeasy Tonight...

    In case you're following a Chronicle feed, rather than our home page, we are also posting (and are posting more often) in the Speakeasy blog, Or just check our
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    Medical Marijuana Wins in Massachusetts

    The results were still coming in Tuesday night, but by a couple of hours after the polls had closed, medical marijuana was cruising to victory in Massachusetts. It will become the 18th medical marijuana state.
  • Danielle Misha Willard (
    Danielle Misha Willard (

    Utah Undercover Cops Kill Woman Heroin User

    A young woman reportedly struggling with heroin addiction was shot and killed by undercover police under murky circumstances in West Valley, Utah, Friday afternoon. Her friends and family have questions.
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    Supreme Court Hears Drug Dog Cases

    The Supreme Court wrestled with two drug dog questions Wednesday: Is a drug dog sniff of a house without a warrant a search under the Fourth Amendment, and are drug dogs reliable?
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    Please Support Today! (And Get Free Books and a Video Too)

    With marijuana legalization initiatives heading to the ballot, some with a good chance of passage, and with growing international support for a real debate on prohibition, people are talking about drug policy like they never have before. Our new book offers will help you be part of that conversation, while our new video offer will remind you why we should be angry too.