When the war on pain docs meets prosecutorial misconduct, watch out. A Florida case potentially headed to the Supreme Court seeks to make prosecutors pay for their misdeeds.
A California appeals court has made a landmark ruling, the DEA keeps on raiding, and a Montana medical marijuana provider refuses a post-conviction plea bargain, and those are just the top stories.
Cops, including a pair of former police chiefs, have been getting arrested on drug-related charges all over the place this past week and, of course, a jail guard, too.
The news cycle is awash with polls and news about the close race for president. But the most important votes happening next month may be historic initiatives to legalize and regulate marijuana -- and these are also going to be close. That is why your help is needed these next several days.
Amsterdam's cannabis cafes will remain open to foreign visitors. (wikimedia.org)
Ding, dong, the weed pass is dead! In order to form a coalition government with Labor, Dutch conservatives had to give up their restrictive marijuana policy.
There were more than 1.53 million drug arrests in the US last year, nearly half of them for marijuana. The good news is that the numbers are down slightly from the year before.
In an incident that is raising questions about Texas use of force policies, a state trooper in a helicopter fired on a fleeing vehicle suspected of carrying drugs Thursday. It was not carrying drugs, but undocumented immigrants, two of whom were shot and killed.