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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

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    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    More cops with pain pill problems, one who seemed like he was headed to (or from) a party, and a Texas parole officer gets too tight with a parolee.
  • Matthew Perry (l) squares off against Peter Hitchens (r) in fiery BBC Newsnight drug debate.
    Matthew Perry (l) squares off against Peter Hitchens (r) in fiery BBC Newsnight drug debate.

    Chronicle AM -- December 17, 2013

    Seattle and Denver get down to the nitty-gritty of dealing with the details of marijuana legalization, a conservative Southern congressman comes out for medical marijuana, Detroit cops go on mass raids, and a British TV debate over drug policy gets heated. And more.
  • Uruguayan President Mujica strikes back at critics, and so does his wife. (
    Uruguayan President Mujica strikes back at critics, and so does his wife. (

    Uruguay's Mujica, Wife in Diplomatic Spat with INCB

    Uruguayan President Mujica is not standing quietly by in the face of criticism from UN drug bureaucrats. Neither is his wife, an Uruguayan senator.
  • Uruguayan President Jose Mujica has some harsh words for his critics and finds some support, too.
    Uruguayan President Jose Mujica has some harsh words for his critics and finds some support, too.

    Chronicle AM -- December 16, 2013

    Uruguay's president defends marijuana legalization there and finds an ally, marijuana bills are popping up in some surprising countries, the Justice Department says we have a federal prison crisis, and much more.
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    Two More Drug War Deaths

    A Minnesota man is dead of an apparent overdose after swallowing drugs during an arrest, and a Washington state man was shot and killed by police as they attempted to arrest him after an undercover drug buy. They are the 37th and 38th domestic drug war fatalities of the year.
  • India's Maoist Naxalities -- profiting from prohibition. (
    India's Maoist Naxalities -- profiting from prohibition. (

    Chronicle AM -- December 13, 2013

    It looks like Washington state medical marijuana patients will continue to be able to grow their own, Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes wants to welcome pot tourists, the Michigan Senate takes aim at welfare drug users, Indian Maoists are profiting from prohibition, and more.
  • A move is on to end the federal ban on funding needle exchanges.
    A move is on to end the federal ban on funding needle exchanges.

    Chronicle AM -- December 12, 2013

    A push is on to end the federal ban on needle exchange funding, a secret federal panel meets to discuss marijuana banking issues, UN anti-drug bureaucrats are still unhappy with Uruguay, more bodies show up in Mexico, and more.
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    MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_110.jpg

    Medical Marijuana Update

    A busy Tuesday in California, herbal medicine experts make a call, New Jersey's third dispensary opens, Florida's Supreme Court hears a challenge to an initiative, and more.