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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

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    Chronicle AM -- December 11, 2013

    Uruguay legalizes the marijuana trade (and the usual suspects object), Denver provides a helpful guide to legalization there, Human Rights Watch scorches Louisiana for its AIDS-enhancing policies, and more.
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    Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana! [FEATURE]

    In an historic vote, the Uruguayan Senate gave final approval Tuesday night to the government's marijuana legalization bill. Once President Mujica signs it, Uruguay is 120 days away from legal marijuana commerce.
  • African American faith leaders called Tuesday for an end to the drug war and mass incarceration. (
    African American faith leaders called Tuesday for an end to the drug war and mass incarceration. (

    Chronicle AM -- December 10, 2013

    African-American faith leaders observe International Human Rights Day by calling for an end to the drug war and mass incarceration, Texans are ready for criminal justice reform, and Mexico's prohibition-related violence continues apace. And more.
  • Cambodian "intervention" truck rounding up drug users and other "undesirables" in Phnom Penh. (
    Cambodian "intervention" truck rounding up drug users and other "undesirables" in Phnom Penh. (

    Cambodia Drug Detention Centers Rife With Abuse

    Human Rights Watch has issued another scathing report on the abuse of drug users and other "undesirables" in Cambodian drug detention camps. Drug treatment isn't on offer, but torture, sexual abuse, and forced labor are.
  • Zohydro ER
    Zohydro ER

    Chronicle AM -- December 9, 2013

    A West Virginia man gets a first degree murder charge in his wife's accidental drug death, a Utah "Good Samaritan" overdose bill is moving, some US senators grumble about Zohydro ER, and we have a pair of stories about opiates in India. And more.
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    Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana Tomorrow!

    Tuesday is going to be historic. Tomorrow, the Uruguayan Senate will vote on a bill that would make their country the first in the world to legally regulate the production, distribution and sale of marijuana for adults. The bill was approved in the House of Representatives in July with 50 out of 96 votes.
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    Chronicle AM -- December 6, 2013

    A new marijuana legalization has been filed in California, the Florida medical marijuana initiative faces a pair of challenges, the British Columbia decriminalization initiative is struggling, and more.
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    Show-Me Cannabis Regulation logo (

    Missouri Marijuana Legalization Initiatives Filed

    Missouri activists have filed a series of marijuana legalizaiton initiatives with state officials, laying the groundwork for taking the issue to the voters next November.
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    Chronicle AM -- December 5, 2013

    Busy, busy on the marijuana policy front today, and there is also medical marijuana news, a new report on coerced federal plea bargains, a call for call-ins to the Senate on mandatory minimums next week, and more.