Seattle and Denver get down to the nitty-gritty of dealing with the details of marijuana legalization, a conservative Southern congressman comes out for medical marijuana, Detroit cops go on mass raids, and a British TV debate over drug policy gets heated. And more. Let's get to it:

Colorado Facing Backlog for Pot Shop Employee Licensing. Colorado marijuana retail employees are required to undergo criminal and financial background checks and be fingerprinted before being issued a state badge to work in the industry, but there is a large backlog of would-be employees trying to get through the process. State officials say they are trying to speed up the process. The first stores are supposed to open in two weeks on January 1. Do convenience store clerks who sell beer and wine have to go through this?
Denver City Council Approves Decriminalization for Tweeners. The Denver city council voted Monday night to decriminalize pot possession for 18-to-20-year-olds. The move addresses a quirk in the law that left the age group subject to jail time for simple possession while those 21 and over can legally possess it and those under 18 are not prosecuted but sent to a juvenile assessment.
Seattle City Council Sets $27 Fine for Public Pot Smoking. The Seattle city council voted Monday to set fines for public pot smoking at $27. Seattle police will issue warnings "whenever practicable" instead of issuing the citation. The fine amount is the same as the fine for public drinking.
Philadelphia Smoke Down Prohibition Activist Sentenced to One Year Probation. Comedian NA Poe was sentenced to one year probation last Friday after being arrested in May during the Smoke Down Prohibition X marijuana legalization at Independence Hall National Historic Park. He was arrested after leading a countdown and lighting a joint in an act of civil disobedience. Prosecutors had sought three years' probation with special conditions. Two other Smokedown activists, Chris Goldstein and Don Dezarn, who face similar charges, had their trials postponed until January 23.
Medical Marijuana
North Carolina Republican Congressman Says State Should Consider Medical Marijuana. US Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) has called on state officials to consider whether medical marijuana could help children who suffer from seizures. Jones' comments came after he was approached by the parents of several children with life-threatening diseases. Jones has a lifetime 85% approval score from the American Conservative Union.
Law Enforcement
Detroit Cops in Massive Anti-Drug Sweep. For the third time in recent weeks, Detroit are doing a massive sweep of a drug-battered neighborhood. More than 300 are sweeping a 1.2 square mile area, executing search warrants, and seeking probation and parole violators. Today's raid, Operation Mistletoe, will be followed by food donations to residents, cops said. Police reported 37 drug and other arrests by late afternoon.
Matthew Perry, Peter Hitchens in Fiery British TV Drug Debate. Actor Matthew Perry sparred with British anti-drug campaigner Peter Hitchens (brother of the late Christopher Hitchens) in a furious live TV debate on drug policy on BBC's Newsnight Monday night. Hitchens scoffed at the notion of addiction as a disease, while Perry touted the utility of drug courts. Click on the link for more details.
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Detroit cops
How else to you raise $$$ for the city police force ? Let`s go do a " drug sweep " and reap the proceeds . Drug Prohibition at its finest .
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