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Medical Marijuana

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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_28.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

It's taken ever so long, but it now looks like dispensaries will soon be operating in New Jersey and Washington, DC. Meanwhile, the battles over medical marijuana continue across the country.

Can Obama Win Votes by Waging War on Medical Marijuana? I Don't Think So.

I have a piece at Huffington Post today reminding everyone that Obama isn't making any friends with his escalating war on medical marijuana. It amazes me that it's still necessary to point out that republicans don't support this madness either. Anyone who wants to excuse the Obama Administration's horrible handling of this issue will have to do better than claiming that voters want to see stuff like this. The hell they do. Anyway, check it out

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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_27.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

The federal offensive against dispensaries in California and Colorado continues, even as more state legislatures take up medical marijuana.

Dismayed But Unbowed -- Take Action Today to Save Medical Marijuana

Department of Justice prosecutors have gone over the top in their raid on Oaksterdam, even attacking places like Oaksterdam University and the Cannabis Museum that don't distribute marijuana. Tell President Obama to rein in rogue US Attorneys and keep his promise to respect state medical marijuana programs.
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MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_26.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

Monday's federal raid on Oaksterdam University in Oakland has ignited a firestorm of criticism of heavy-handed federal efforts to clamp down on medical marijuana distribution. Meanwhile, battles continue to be fought from Washington, DC, to local city halls.

Washington, DC Selects Medical Marijuana Growers

Medical marijuana patients in the nation's capital could be buying their medicines in dispensaries by this summer after the District government selected growers Friday.
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oaksterdam gift shop.jpg

Feds Raid Oaksterdam University

The feds hit the iconic Oaksterdam University and associated businesses in a Monday morning raid. No word yet on any arrests. Patients are mobilizing. An already scheduled protest set for Tuesday in San Francisco should be even more energized now.