A leading Senate Republican calls for removing obstacles to medical marijuana research, a Florida judge decides to take up a case over the state's ban on smoking medical marijuana, and more.
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A Republican grandee complains about obstacles to medical marijuana research, a Florida judge will take up the state's ban on smoking medical marijuana, a North Dakota pot legalization initiative is approved for signature gathering, and more.
California starts rolling out recreational marijuana business licenses, Maryland approves more dispensaries, Michigan starts accepting dispensary applications, the Mexican Senate approves a bill letting the military keep playing a policing role, and more.
CBD ointment. The World Health Organization has declared CBD non-addictive and non-toxic. (Pinterest)
Norway moves down the path toward drug decriminalization, a New Hampshire legislative committee votes down a legalization bill, the WHO gives a thumbs up to CBD, and more.
The Rohrabacher-Blumenauer amendment stays alive (for now) in the stopgap spending bill, Honolulu's police chief backs away from seizing patients' guns, and more.
The folks behind Ohio's 2015 "monopoly" marijuana legalization are back with details of their proposed "free market" 2018 initiative, Denver gets its first marijuana social club application, the Justice Department ends its deferred prosecution agreement with HSBC bank over drug cartel money laundering, and more.
Will Canada actually get marijuana legalized by July 1? Maybe. (Creative Commons)
California is getting ready for the legal marijuana industry, some Ohio operators want another crack at a legalization initiative, Canadian Tories are threatening to retard the passage of the legalization bills there, and more.
Trying to fight multiple drug wars is keeping Jeff Sessions a busy man these days. (senate.gov)
The attorney general hunkers down with marijuana foes, the federal ban on going after medical marijuana where its legal gets a reprieve, Hawaii cops back away from their plan to seize patients' guns, and more.