Drug War Chronicle #692 - July 14, 2011
The 2011 National Drug Control Strategy: Drug Policy on Autopilot [FEATURE]
The drug czar has released the 2011 National Drug Control Strategy, and there's little new there but a renewed attack on medical marijuana and legalization. Otherwise, it's pretty much business as usual.
Chronicle Book Review: The Wars of Afghanistan
If you care at all about what's going on in Afghanistan, The Wars of Afghanistan is a must read.
ALERT: Stop the Feds' Medical Marijuana Crackdown
President Obama has backtracked on a campaign promise to respect state medical marijuana laws. Please use our web site to tell him you're unhappy about that.
Mexico Drug War Update
At an absolute minimum, at least 74 people were killed in prohibition-related violence in Mexico in the last week. Sad to say, there's nothing unusual about the death toll.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
A former Border Patrol agent goes to prison, a former deputy police chief cops a plea, a sticky-fingered former cop gets sent away, too, and a deputy and three jail guards get busted.
Prince of Pot Marc Emery Catches "Superbug" in US Prison
Marc Emery smoked pot for years without any health problems, but has now come down with the antibiotic-resistant MRSA superbug while imprisoned in the US.
DEA Denies Marijuana Rescheduling Petition
In a through-the-looking-glass move, the DEA has denied a petition to reschedule marijuana, arguing it has no accepted medical use.

The initiative would allow you to grow six of these or go the pot shop and buy some. (image via wikimedia.org)
Colorado Marijuana Initiative Campaign Gets Underway
An initiative that would legalize possession of up to an ounce of pot (or the harvest of up to six plants) and tax and regulate commercial sales is now gathering signatures in Colorado.

You could grow 100 square feet's worth of these if a Missouri initiative becomes law. (photo by the author)
Missouri Marijuana Legalization Initiatives Filed
Marijuana initiative fever is breaking out all over! Now you can add Missouri to the list.

Unless Sensible Washington comes back next year, it will be up to New Approach Washington (image from New Approach WA)
Washington Marijuana Legalization Initiative Falls Short
One Washington state marijuana legalization initiative is dead, but another, less radical, one is just getting underway.
Miami Beach Likely to Vote on Marijuana Decrim
Miami Beach could become the first city in Florida to decriminalize pot possession after campaigners handed in more than double the number of voter signatures they needed to put a measure on the ballot.
This Week in History
Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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