Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
Voters in Miami Beach could make it the first city in Florida to decriminalize marijuana possession after campaigners announced Tuesday they had turned in more than double the number of voter signatures needed for their initiative to make the ballot. They needed 4,300 signatures and turned in more than 9,000.

Miami Beach -- sun, sand... and sinsemilla? (image via wikimedia.org)
The group turned in the signatures at Miami Beach City Hall Wednesday at 4:20pm. Then they had a rally.
"It's a great day for the the marijuana legalization movement in Florida," the group's chairman, Ford Banister, said. "For the first time, Florida voters will soon decide a marijuana related question."
"Our staff and volunteer canvassers have worked hard to gather the petitions over the last thirteen months. We have been involved in the community and gotten to know it very well. Based on the overwhelmingly positive response of Miami Beach residents to the petition drive, we are confident that the voters will approve the charter amendment by a large margin," said Eric Stevens, CSMP Miami Beach Campaign Director who managed the canvassing effort.
The group will ask the Miami City Council to vote for a resolution supporting the initiative, which would amend the city's charter.
"It is now well established that decriminalization has had virtually no effect either on marijuana use or on related attitudes and beliefs about marijuana use among American young people. Moreover, marijuana is, without question, much safer than alcohol. Why are we driving people to drink by forcing them to choose a much more harmful intoxicant?" asked Banister.
It looks like Miami Beach voters will have the chance to vote for decriminalization, but those voter signatures need to be verified. Still, with more than double the number needed to qualify, the odds are good this will make the ballot.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
it's about damn time florida
it's about damn time florida got some form of marijuana legislation put up for vote. If this passes, this will make it easier to pass more legislation.
Police State
In Florida possession of more than 20 grams is a felony. We are a law enforcement & prison for profit state. Truly evil!
Is this something that can be done in any city in Florida
with enough signatures?
I live in Miami Beach
I was just arrested for .5 grams of marijuana, I live in Miami Beach.
I wasn't taken to jail i was just charged and sent home... they didn't even read my rights.
If you come to Miami Beach, you will smell blunts EVERYWHERE, that's why they don't take
ppl to jail here for pot - I don't even think they could afford to. Im thinking of not even doing the
pre-trial diversion because a friend of mine was just arrested for pot with no priors and the judge
just let him go with no probation, no fine... they should definitely decriminalize it here.
After living in Miami Beach
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