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Latino Police Officers Endorse Prop 19 [FEATURE]

A national Latino police officers' association has joined the roster of groups supporting Proposition 19. Disproportionate arrests of Latinos for marijuana might have something to do with it.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
too much cash can corrupt cops
too much cash can corrupt cops

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

A Kentucky sheriff gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, a Texas deputy gets busted for protecting a drug dealer, two Southern California cops get nailed for doing robberies disguised as drug busts, and a small-town Wisconsin cop lets her crack habit get the best of her.
Plaza de Armas, Praxedis G. Guerrero
Plaza de Armas, Praxedis G. Guerrero

Mexico Drug War Update

Another bloody week in Ciudad Juarez and another rough week for Mexican police.
In The Trenches

Day of Action: You Can Help Legalize Marijuana in California (Action Alert)

SSDP Action Alert

Dear friends,

Seven days - that’s how little time is left before California votes on Proposition 19, the ballot initiative that would legalize, tax and regulate marijuana.

We know that young people overwhelmingly support Prop 19, so it’s up to us to make sure they vote by November 2.

SSDP and Just Say Now are launching a Prop 19 Day of Action on Saturday to coincide with Jon Stewart's and Stephen Colbert's Rallies for Sanity and Fear on October 30. We’re going to call thousands of young voters and drive out support for Prop 19.

Can you join us? Pledge to participate in the Prop 19 Day of Action this Saturday.

When you make your pledge, tell us if you'd like to start making phone calls to California voters about Prop 19 using the Just Say Now call tool right from your home -- or if you want to step up, tell us if you can organize a phone banking party.

Young people throughout California will be watching the rally and getting fired up to cast their vote on election day. You can call them and remind them to vote Yes on 19.

Calling young people is a sure-fire way to turn out voters most likely to support Prop 19 and help legalize marijuana. Plus, it’s super easy and fun to call right from your home. So please sign up to call on Saturday, or let us know you want to have a phone bank party!

Click here to pledge to join the Prop 19 Day of Action on Saturday!

Are planning to be in D.C. on Saturday? Join SSDP for our pre-rally sign making party and post-rally phone banking party in our D.C. office.RSVP to the Rally to Restore (Drug Policy) Sanity in Washington, D.C.

Thanks for all you do to pass Prop 19.


Jonathan Perri

Associate Director
Students for Sensible Drug Policy


Connect with SSDP


Latest News

Entire Police Force in Los Ramones, Mexico Quits After Drug Traffickers' Gunmen Attack Headquarters

All 14 police officers in Los Ramones, a rural town in northern Mexico, fled the force in terror after gunmen fired more than 1,000 bullets and flung six grenades at their headquarters. The gunmen’s 20-minute shooting spree destroyed six police vehicles and left the white and orange police station pocked with bullet holes. The attack was the second in less than a week against police forces in Nuevo Leon -- last week, grenades were thrown at police in Sabinas Hidalgo.
In The Trenches

Stop Stifling Proposition 19 Supporters (Action Alert)

We Are Drug Policy Action.

Tell the Attorney General to stay out of the Prop. 19 debate!

Register to vote!
Send him a letter today!

Dear friends,

Recently, in a letter to former DEA administrators, Attorney General Eric Holder said:

"We will vigorously enforce the [federal law] against those individuals and organizations that possess, manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use, even if such activities are permitted under state law."

This carefully-timed statement is an attempt to take the steam out of the Prop. 19 movement. But the fact of the matter is states can decide their own marijuana laws, and if Proposition 19 passes it will effectively legalize marijuana in California.

Write Attorney General Eric Holder today and tell him to stay out of the Prop. 19 debate and respect voters' choices!

Polls continue to show Proposition 19 at about even odds of passing, and thanks to the help of supporters like you, we've been able to work with the "Yes on 19" campaign to launch a significant TV and online ad campaign as well as make thousands of calls to California voters and raise money to get out the vote. It's this sort of activism that will tip the scales on Election Day.

With only six days left until Californians take to the polls, we can't let empty threats stop our momentum. Send a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and tell him that marijuana legalization is an issue states must decide for themselves!

Back in 1996, the federal government said the medical marijuana initiative in California was a symbolic gesture at most because they would continue to criminalize all marijuana use. Now, fourteen other states and the District of Columbia have functioning medical marijuana laws. It was politically-motivated saber rattling then -- just as Attorney General Holder's statement is today.

Let's put sound policy before petty politics. Write Attorney General Holder today!


Stephen Gutwillig
State Director, California
Drug Policy Action

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Why Pot Legalization Is the Most Important Issue Before Voters This Election Day (Opinion)

The writers opine that, though limited to voters in a single state, Prop. 19 is the only policy matter on the table with the potential to restructure the lives of virtually all Americans. If Prop. 19 passes, it will force, at long bloody last, an honest reconsideration of failed prohibitionist policies throughout the United States. In fact, given the drug war's influence on our foreign policy in Latin America and central Asia, Prop. 19's reverberations would even be felt far outside our borders.
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Could Legalizing Marijuana in California Help Cure Breast Cancer? (Opinion)

The latest research is proving that cannabinoids play a mitigating role in breast cancer. An urgent issue for Breast Cancer Awareness Month: the clock is ticking for the 207,000 women expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer this year alone. Mary Jane Borden, a former marketing analyst for largest U.S. marketer of cancer chemotherapy drugs in the U.S. during the 1980s, opines on the issue.
marijuana plants (
marijuana plants (

Prop 19 Down in Two New Polls

Two recent polls have Prop 19 losing. Is this the "Reverse Bradley Effect" at work? Let's hope so.
Latest News

Multibillionaire Investor George Soros Backs Proposition 19

George Soros, the multibillionaire investor who helped bankroll three initiatives to change drug laws in California, endorsed the marijuana legalization initiative and plans to make a major financial contribution to the campaign. "Proposition 19 already is a winner no matter what happens on election day. The mere fact of its being on the ballot has elevated and legitimized public discourse about marijuana and marijuana policy in ways I could not have imagined a year ago," Soros wrote.
Latest News

Swiss Drug Policy Should Serve As Model: Experts

Switzerland's innovative policy of providing drug addicts with free methadone and clean needles has greatly reduced deaths while cutting crime rates and should serve as a global model, health experts said. Countries whose drug policy remains focused on punishing offenders, including Russia and much of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, should learn from a Swiss strategy based on "harm reduction" that protects both users and communities, they said.

How Could Legalization Destroy a State That's Already Covered in Pot Plants?

I really ought to be used to it by now, but few things piss me off more than hearing our opponents claim that marijuana legalization means introducing "another intoxicant" into our society. Variations on the whole "we have enough problems with alcohol and tobacco" argument have become a favorite weapon of the anti-reform crowd, yet we've never heard any of them endorsing prohibition of beer or cigarettes.


Reason TV on Prop 19

Here's a nice piece from Reason that looks at the arguments on both sides of the marijuana debate.