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Marijuana is the Biggest Issue on Tomorrow’s Ballot (Press Release)

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                                               

NOVEMBER 1, 2010

Marijuana is the Biggest Issue on Tomorrow’s Ballot

Win or Lose, Progress in 2010, As Well As Recent National Polling, Indicates That Marijuana Prohibition’s Days Are Numbered

MPP Spokespeople Available in California and Washington, D.C. to Discuss Various Initiatives and Provide National Perspective on the Future of Marijuana Policy Reform

CONTACT: Mike Meno, MPP director of communications: 202-905-2030, 202-905-2031 or 443-927-6400

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As voters in four states prepare to weigh in on statewide marijuana reform ballot measures, a new Gallup poll released last week shows that national support for making marijuana legal has reached an all-time high of 46% while support for current policies continued a gradual erosion to its lowest level on record. According to the poll, “If the trend of the past decade continues at a similar pace, majority support could be a reality within the next few years.” 

         “No matter what happens tomorrow, it’s now undeniable that national public sentiment is increasingly turning against the idea that responsible adults should be criminalized for using a substance less harmful than alcohol,” said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. “Support for ending marijuana prohibition is not only growing among the populace, but we are also seeing prominent organizations coming out in support of reform. Thanks to initiatives like Proposition 19 in California, advocates for marijuana policy reform are gaining allies, from labor unions to the NAACP to Democratic Party committees, who will stand with us during future battles. So as we await tomorrow’s results, we are already looking forward to achieving major victories in 2012.”

On Election Day tomorrow, Californians will vote on Proposition 19, a potentially historic ballot measure that would make marijuana legal for all adults and allow localities to regulate its sale.

In Arizona and South Dakota, voters will consider medical marijuana ballot initiatives.

In Oregon, voters will decide whether to expand the state’s current medical marijuana law by authorizing state-licensed dispensaries.

         MPP has spokespeople available in California and Washington, D.C. to discuss the various initiatives and provide a national perspective on the future of marijuana policy reform.

         With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. For more information, please visit


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In The Trenches

Drug Truth Pledge Drive

KPFT is one of the 5 Pacifica "sisters" and was the birthplace of the DTN which now has 94 broadcast affiliates in North America.

For a pledge of $50 you can get Oaksterdam T's and sweatshirts, Ed Rosenthal's latest: Pot Growers Handbook, CD's, DVD's and more.  A pledge of $200 gives you a choice of any 5 items.

For more than 9 years we have broadcast the "Unvarnished Truth about the drug war".  Please show you support by listening live to 90.1 FM in Houston or live on the web at on Sunday, Oct 31 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM central time.

Our in studio guest will be John Lomax, a reporter for Houston Press and we'll feature segments of an interview done with Kent University professor of criminal justice Alex Stevens.

Here's a link to our most recent DTN Editorial: "Not drug warriors but rather drug war addicts!":

You can call 713-526-5738, toll free 1-877-9-420-420 or pledge online at

Thank you for you support over the years,

Dean Becker

Producer - Drug Truth Network

Speaker - Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


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