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Cops Under Pressure to Deny They Support Legalizing Marijuana

During California gubernatorial debates last week, Meg Whitman was asked about her position on Proposition 19 and marijuana legalization and said: "Every single law enforcement official in this entire state is against Proposition 19." "She's absolutely wrong...A lot of police officers both retired and on duty are in favor of passing it because they realize that the 'war on drugs' has failed and is going to fail," said former San Jose Chief of Police Joseph McNamara. Scores of former officials recently signed a letter saying that marijuana prohibition only fuels more dangerous crime by enriching Mexican drug traffickers who put guns on American streets -- but every member of the California police department waited until after they'd retired to sign.
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Medical Marijuana Advocate Michelle Rainey Dies from Cancer

Michelle Rainey, the organizational force behind Marc Emery’s marijuana-based business empire in Canada, has died from cancer. She had lived with Crohn’s disease since she was a teenager and in the last years of her life struggled against melanoma and lymphatic cancer. Sadly, she did not live to see the historic marijuana legalization vote that will occur in California on Nov. 2.
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Texas National Guard Soldier Killed in Mexico Went Despite Warning

Pfc. Jose Gil Hernandez, a Texas National Guard soldier, was gunned down in violent Ciudad Juarez. He crossed the border despite the Guard urging soldiers not on active duty to stay out of Mexico. Hernandez is at least the third American serviceman killed in Juarez since the drug prohibition war began.
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Colorado OKs Medical Marijuana Help for Poor

The Colorado State Board of Health approved a program through which poor medical marijuana patients can apply to the state registry for free and not have to pay sales tax on their cannabis purchases. But the standard the board approved for determining who is poor enough to qualify for the program upset medical marijuana advocates, who said some indigent patients will still be stuck with a bill. And even some board members expressed frustration that the health department — which has received millions of dollars in application fees since the medical marijuana program began — couldn't put together a program that includes more patients.
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Peru Wants More US Aid for Drug War; New Ambassador Hints 'No'

Peruvian President Alan García met with President Obama over the summer and directly accused Washington of pushing cocaine growth into Peru. The world's second-largest cocaine producer, Peru has asked for more US aid in combating drug trafficking and blamed Washington's policies for driving coca plant production in the country. Despite Peru's leaders repeatedly calling in recent months for more US aid in fighting drug trafficking, the new US ambassador said in her first media interview that resources are limited.

You're Either For Legalizing Marijuana or You're Against It

A peculiar phenomenon amidst the deafening debate over Prop 19 is the tendency of some in the mainstream press to pay lip service to legalization, while simultaneously and dishonestly trashing the only available opportunity to actually do it:


Mexico Drug War Update

Mexican police seized 134 tons of marijuana Tuesday. They were still burning it as we went to press. Meanwhile, the violence south of the border continues unabated.
Pro-Measure 13 Demonstration, Rapid City (courtesy South Dakota Coalition for Compassion)
Pro-Measure 13 Demonstration, Rapid City (courtesy South Dakota Coalition for Compassion)

Will South Dakota Voters Pass Medical Marijuana? [FEATURE]

South Dakota will vote on a medical marijuana initiative on election day. It came within four points in 2006. Maybe this time, the state can wipe away the stigma of being the only one to defeat medical marijuana at the ballot box.
Election Day not far away
Election Day not far away

SurveyUSA: Prop 19 Ahead 48% to 44%

The battle of the Proposition 19 polls continues, with a new SurveyUSA poll showing it with a four point lead, but still under 50%. Now, every vote is going to count.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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Cops Used Fake Patient IDs to Buy Medical Pot; Was It Entrapment?

Oakland County Sheriff's deputies used phony Michigan medical marijuana cards -- created on a county computer -- to trick state-approved medical marijuana providers into selling the drug to the police. Days after the drug buys, county narcotics agents raided two medical marijuana dispensaries. Defense attorneys for more than two dozen people arrested in the raids are crying foul, saying their clients were trapped into lawbreaking while trying to stay within the state law.
In The Trenches

Help Legalize Marijuana in CA

We Are Drug Policy Action.

Call California voters today and urge them to vote "Yes" on Prop. 19.

Take Action!

Dear friends,

We're closer than ever to winning the fight against marijuana prohibition.

On November 2nd, Californians will vote on Proposition 19, which would legalize personal possession of marijuana for adults and allow cities and counties to regulate its sale.

Right now, polls indicate that Prop. 19 has a good chance of passing. But the fight is so close that voter turnout will make all the difference. That's why we need you to call California mail-in voters today and urge them to vote "Yes" on Prop. 19.

California has a long history of setting legal precedents that other states follow. That means that even though you live in District of Columbia, Prop. 19 is a big deal. If marijuana is legalized in California, there's a better chance it will be legalized in District of Columbia.

The battle is close, and to end decades of failed marijuana prohibition we need to make sure Californians vote.Click here to make a few calls today and bring us to victory on November 2nd!

Even if you've never called voters before, our friends at the Yes on 19 campaign created a tool that makes it easy. Just click here to sign up to their phonebank. After you do, you'll be given the number of a mail-in voter and a script that will guide you through the process.

We have a real chance at getting marijuana legalized in California. Your help today is crucial in making it happen.


Stephen Gutwillig
State Director, California
Drug Policy Action

Latest News

Mexico Seizes 105 Tons of Marijuana in Tijuana. Does It Matter?

Mexico's national security spokesman Alejandro Poire trumpeted 'the largest seizure in the country's history of marijuana prepared and packed for sale and distribution.' But will this make a dent in the bi-national effort to stem the power of drug trafficking organizations in Mexico? Weapons, cash, and drug seizures, as well as top arrests of drug traffickers, are always touted by the government as signs of success, but they do little to impact the overall structure of the organizations, experts say.
Los Angeles dispensary map (
Los Angeles dispensary map (

Los Angeles Times Hasn't Learned Anything After 14 Years of Legal Medical Marijuana

The mindless incoherence of Prop 19's opposition is really kicking into full-gear following Attorney General Eric Holder's statement that he'll continue to enforce federal law if California legalizes marijuana. LA Times is so intimidated by Holder that I can only assume they believe he possesses super powers or commands a vast army of narco-clone-soldiers capable of capturing every casual user in California:

evidence room
evidence room

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Crookedness in the Wayne County, Michigan, court system; endemic corruption in Camden; a tweaker cop in Iowa; and another pair of jail guards go bad.

Fox News Poll: Prop 19 Marijuana Initiative in Dead Heat

The Prop 19 campaign is going down to the wire. A new Fox News poll has it losing by one point, but that's well within the statistical margin of error. It still leads by nearly four points in the average of all polls.
In The Trenches

California Beer & Beverage Distributors Don't Speak for Us

We Are Drug Policy Action.

Tell the CA beer distributors that their position on Prop. 19 conflicts with their consumers!

Take Action!

Email the Beer Distributors

Dear friends,

Have you heard that the California Beer & Beverage Distributors recently donated $10,000 to fight against Prop. 19? They clearly have a stake in perpetuating marijuana prohibition.

Show the beer distributors that you oppose their position on Prop. 19!

The beer distributors see marijuana reform as a threat to their bottom line. Their concern is making money, not improving the lives of Californians. Shouldn't the fate of Prop. 19 be about what's best for California, not what's best for the alcohol industry?

Tell the beer lobby that their obvious financial self-interest conflicts with your priorities!

So what if they see marijuana as competition for their product? Let the beer distributors know we’re disgusted by their gutless opposition to long-overdue marijuana reform!

Thank you for your continued support.


Stephen Gutwillig
State Director, California
Drug Policy Alliance