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Gov. Schweitzer Vetoes Repeal of Montana's Medical Marijuana Law

Gov. Brian Schweitzer has vetoed a Republican bill that would have repealed the state's voter-approved medical marijuana law. Schweitzer vetoed the bill along with several others he called "frivolous, unconstitutional or in direct contradiction to the expressed will of the people of Montana." Voters in 2004 overwhelmingly approved the use of medical marijuana.
Drug prohibition funds the mayhem in Mexico. (Image via
Drug prohibition funds the mayhem in Mexico. (Image via

Mexico Drug War Update

Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get worse... 116 bodies turn up in a series of mass graves just south of the border.
The profits of prohibition tempt law enforcement. (Image via
The profits of prohibition tempt law enforcement. (Image via

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

A typical corrupt cop week: Missing evidence, corruption on the border, greedy jail guards, and thuggish dope squad cops.
The Jamaican government just might give this Rastaman something else to smile about. (Image via Wikimedia)
The Jamaican government just might give this Rastaman something else to smile about. (Image via Wikimedia)

Jamaica to Look Again at Decriminalizing Marijuana

A decade ago, the Jamaican government quietly shelved a National Ganja Commission report calling for decriminalization. This week, it decided to take it up again.
medical marijuana (courtesy Coaster420 and
medical marijuana (courtesy Coaster420 and

Washington House Passes Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill

A bill that would authorize medical marijuana dispensaries and increase patient protections in Washington state has passed both houses, but faces a reconciliation vote in the Senate and a less-than-committed governor.
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Mexico, Just Say No to America's Prohibitionist War on Drugs (Opinion)

Gwynne Dyer, an independent journalist based in London, opines on the state of Mexico's drug prohibition war against the backdrop of a remarkable event that occurred in Mexico last week. Tens of thousands of Mexicans gathered in the main squares of cities across the country to demand an end to the "war on drugs". In the Zocalo, in the heart of Mexico City, they chanted "no more blood" and many called for the resignation of President Felipe Calderon, who began the war by using the army against the drug trafficking organizations in late 2006.
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Mexican Mass Grave Complex Reveals 88 Bodies

At least 88 bodies have been found in a complex of mass graves in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, security officials say, likely victims of the country's ongoing drug prohibition war. The graves are the largest concentration ever found in one area in Mexico.
In The Trenches

Maryland Legislature Passes Medical Marijuana Defense Bill (Press Release)


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                 April 11, 2011

Maryland Legislature Passes Medical Marijuana Defense Bill

Senate approval sends measure to desk of Governor Martin O’Malley

CONTACT: Morgan Fox, communications manager………………………….202-905-2031 or [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS – In all likelihood, Maryland will soon become the 16th state to remove criminal penalties for the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The Maryland Senate passed an affirmative defense bill last month removing criminal penalties from patients who use marijuana to relieve the effects of debilitating medical conditions. After the House of Delegates approved an amended version of the bill over the weekend, the Senate today approved those amendments, sending the bill to Governor Martin O’Malley. Aides to the governor have indicated publicly he would sign a medical marijuana defense bill. 

“With the passage of this bill, the General Assembly has let seriously ill patients know they are not criminals for seeking relief from their pain and suffering,” said Senator David Brinkley, the primary sponsor of the Senate bill.” It will also establish a framework to build on in moving forward with more comprehensive solutions so that some day soon patients will be able to obtain their medicine in dignity and not on street corners. I thank my colleagues in both chambers for today’s compassionate vote.”

In its current form, the bill, SB 308, allows individuals diagnosed with debilitating medical conditions, such as cancer or multiple sclerosis, to avoid conviction if charged with the non-public use or possession of one ounce or less of marijuana. An existing sentencing mitigation would remain part of the law, meaning patients who don’t qualify for the full affirmative defense would still have the opportunity to present evidence of medical necessity and have their sentence reduced to a $100 fine. In addition, a work group consisting of medical, legal, and law enforcement experts would be convened to recommend more comprehensive legislation next year. The bill represents a compromise after the Secretary of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene objected to a more robust proposal calling for state-regulated dispensaries due to the cost of implementation.

“Today’s vote is a move toward compassion for those who might benefit from this drug,” said Delegate Dan Morhaim, the bill’s House sponsor and the General Assembly’s only licensed physician. “A growing body of evidence suggests marijuana is helpful in treating certain conditions, and seriously ill people who use marijuana to treat such conditions on the advice of their physician should not be considered criminals.”

“Under current law, patients using medical marijuana in Maryland face criminal arrest, prosecution and conviction,” said Sen. Jamie Raskin, one of the sponsors in the Senate. “Although judges can reduce the penalty to $100 in these cases, we heard testimony from patients who said they have lost their jobs and were haunted for life by being branded as criminals. This legislation declares that severely ill people using medical marijuana are not criminals and will have the opportunity to establish medical necessity as a defense to a possession charge.  The removal of this threat and the creation of a work group to develop a Maryland model for a comprehensive medical marijuana regime moves us closer to the broader goal of giving patients in Maryland a legal way to obtain doctor-recommended medicine.” 

Advocates were also encouraged by the compromise. “This isn’t a permanent solution, and it’s not everything that patients need, but it allows people suffering from debilitating conditions to sleep a little easier tonight while they wait for full protections,” said Dan Riffle, a legislative analyst with the Marijuana Policy Project.

With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest

marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Californians appear ready to reduce drug possession to misdemeanor. (Image courtesy Aaron Logan via
Californians appear ready to reduce drug possession to misdemeanor. (Image courtesy Aaron Logan via

Californians Favor Lessening Drug Possession Penalties [FEATURE]

A new poll in California shows strong support for reducing drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor and lesser, but still substantial, support for decriminalization.

Drug Lords Celebrate the Drug War at the UN

This video is typical of the clever work I've come to expect from the HCLU. It deserves more exposure, so whoever's in charge of making things go viral, I hereby nominate this for consideration:

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Drug Trafficking Organizations Seek to Exploit Corrupt Federal Agents

As the Homeland Security Department's Customs and Border Protection (CBP) bureau has ratcheted up efforts to cope with the tide of crime sweeping across the Southwest border, Mexican drug trafficking organizations have stepped up efforts to infiltrate CBP and other federal, state and local agencies responsible for policing the border.
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U.S. Pot Insurance Has Canadian Growers Green with Envy

The growing medicinal marijuana business in the United States despite the drug’s illegal status has many insurance firms seeing green — as in money. But north of the 49th, where there is no federal prohibition on medicinal pot, legal growers are green with envy because it’s next to impossible to get insurance coverage in Canada.
Patients could still be arrested, but not convicted under the proposed law. (Image via
Patients could still be arrested, but not convicted under the proposed law. (Image via

Maryland Legislature Approves Medical Marijuana Defense Bill

Maryland looks set to approve a medical marijuana affirmative defense bill, with only one more pro forma Senate vote left before it goes to the governor for his signature.
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The Midwest Proves Fertile Ground for Marijuana Reform

Republican hardliners in Midwestern state governments have largely stalled efforts to modify marijuana laws there this year. But after more than a decade of pressure from grassroots activists, the region is beginning to show some change. The most dramatic advances have come in Michigan, where voters legalized medical marijuana in a 2008 referendum, and in Kentucky, which in early March reduced the maximum penalty for possession of less than half a pound from a year in prison to 45 days.
In The Trenches

Medical Marijuana Defense Bill Passes Maryland House Judiciary Committee (Press Release)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                 April 8, 2011

Medical Marijuana Defense Bill Passes Maryland House Judiciary Committee

Floor Vote Likely for Bill to Remove Criminal Penalties for Medical Marijuana

CONTACT: Morgan Fox, communications manager………………………….202-905-2031 or [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland House of Delegates Judiciary Committee approved a bill yesterday, SB 308, which would allow patients who use marijuana to treat a medical condition to use a medical necessity defense in court. The bill would also create a panel to advise the legislature on best practices for creating a medical marijuana program in 2012. The Senate passed the bill by a 41-6 vote on March 24, and will need to approve the bill again because of amendments made by the Judiciary Committee. Yesterday’s committee vote was the biggest obstacle advocates faced in their quest to remove criminal penalties from medical marijuana users.

Sponsors of the measure had originally hoped to pass comprehensive medical marijuana legislation that would have established dispensaries throughout the state and protected patients from arrest, but that plan was derailed when the Secretary of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene voiced concerns over cost of implementation. In its current form, SB 308 allows patients with certain qualifying medical conditions to use an affirmative defense when charged with marijuana possession if they used marijuana due to a medical necessity. The defense would not apply if the person possessed more than one ounce of marijuana or used marijuana in a public place. While the compromise bill is not as robust as the original legislation, it is the first time since 2003 that a bill to add protections for medical marijuana patients will receive a floor vote in the House of Delegates.

"While we had hoped to see a full medical marijuana law on par with those in 15 other states, it’s encouraging that the legislature is moving toward the goal of protecting patients from arrest and providing legal access to doctor-recommended medicine,” said Dan Riffle, legislative analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project. “I congratulate the sponsors and committee leaders for their ability to compromise swiftly and shepherd this bill to the House floor. This vote is a major victory and paves a clear path to the Governor’s desk."

Medical marijuana is permitted in 15 states and the District of Columbia, and many more are currently considering legislation to allow its use under tightly controlled conditions, including Delaware and Connecticut. Such laws already exist in Rhode Island and New Jersey, where medical marijuana distribution centers were recently awarded licenses and should be up and running later this year.

With more than 124,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. For more information, please visit


Warsaw skyline (image via
Warsaw skyline (image via

Poland Edges Toward Drug Decriminalization

Poland is taking steps to reform its harsh drug laws with something that looks a little bit like the decriminalization of drug possession. It's a start.