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Chronicle Book Review: Home Grown

We review an important new book on the history of marijuana in Mexico that demands a revisionist look at the origins of Reefer Madness in America.

Did You Know? Historical Timeline of Drugs and Sports is a set of in-depth web sites presenting information and views from on current issues, several with relevance to drug policy. The Chronicle is currently running a series of info items from -- this one from -- and we encourage you to check it out.

This Week in History

Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_32.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_32.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

The biggest medical marijuana news this week has to be the Oregon election that saw a pro-medical marijuana attorney general candidate win against a former interim US Attorney, but there was plenty of other news, as well.

Would Romney be Worse for Medical Marijuana Than Obama? Ctd

[inline:DEAraid.jpg align=right]Andrew Sullivan responds to my statement that, regarding medical marijuana, "I honestly doubt Romney could be any worse than [Obama] if he tried."

I don't. The man doesn't even drink coffee. His impulse when seeing a man with muscular dystrophy in desperate need of medical marijuana was to listen, ignore and then walk away. Obama deserves criticism on medical marijuana - but the notion that there would be no difference between his DEA and Romney's strikes me as ... well I can't help remembering how, in 2000, I thought Gore would be no different than Bush.


Medical Marijuana Ally Wins Oregon AG Race

Oregon's medical marijuana community and national drug reformers helped defeat a former interim US Attorney in favor of a medical marijuana-friendly challenger in the Oregon Democratic Party attorney general race Tuesday. They hope the victory sends a signal across the country.

Colorado Drugged Driving Bill Dies -- Again

Like a vampire risen from the dead, Colorado's drugged driving bill came back to life during a special session of the legislature, only to have a stake driven through its heart once again.
Kansas state capitol, Topeka (
Kansas state capitol, Topeka (

Drug Sentencing Reform Bill Passes in Kansas

A bill awaiting the Kansas governor's signature would increase judges' discretion in sentencing small-time drug offenders, although it increases penalties for some major drug offenses.
downtown Copenhagen (
downtown Copenhagen (

Danish Government Rejects Legal Marijuana

The Copenhagen city council had requested that the Danish government allow it to experiment with legal cannabis sales, and now the government has replied with a resounding "no."
coca eradication plane spraying herbicides in Colombia (
coca eradication plane spraying herbicides in Colombia (

Colombia Bill to Decriminalize Drug Crops Advances

A bill that would decriminalize drug crop cultivation in Colombia has passed a first reading in the lower house, but the government opposes it.
Davinian Darnell Williams (JCSO)
Davinian Darnell Williams (JCSO)

Jacksonville Cop Kills Unarmed Drug Suspect

An unarmed Florida drug suspect who made a furtive movement during a traffic stop was shot and killed by a Jacksonville police office who unloaded seven shots at him.

LEAP Hiring Speakers Bureau Director (Applications Due Tomorrow!)

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition is an international nonprofit educational organization created to give voice to law-enforcers who believe the US war on drugs has failed. They are hiring a Speakers Bureau Director, most likely based in the Washington, DC area.
Brian Wilbourn's conviction was overturned because of prosecutorial misconduct.
Brian Wilbourn's conviction was overturned because of prosecutorial misconduct.

False Testimony: How Prosecutors Leave Justice Behind [FEATURE]

Prosecutors across the country are misbehaving -- and getting away with it. And among the common forms of misconduct are hiding exculpatory evidence and knowingly using false testimony to win convictions.

What's the REAL Reason for Obama's Medical Marijuana Crackdown?

[inline:Obama1.jpg align=right]There's an interesting article at The Week looking at some different theories regarding the reasons behind Obama's medical marijuana crackdown. You can choose from one of more of the following:

1. He's trying to look tough because he believes – rightly or wrongly – that he could be vulnerable to being labeled "soft on crime" during the election.

2. He doesn't think the "marijuana vote" is strong enough to have a meaningful impact on him politically.

3.  The medical marijuana industry got too big too fast, forcing the federal government to intervene.