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Do you want to play high school sports in Wisconsin? A GOP lawmaker wants you to have to pee in a cup first. (Wikimedia)
Do you want to play high school sports in Wisconsin? A GOP lawmaker wants you to have to pee in a cup first. (Wikimedia)

Chronicle AM: Mexico Senate Approves MedMJ, WI Lawmaker Wants HS Drug Testing, More... (12/14/16)

With the backing of the president, Mexico's Senate has approved medical marijuana; Kentucky's attorney general identifies the opioid epidemic as the state's biggest problem, Nevada drug dogs trained to sniff out marijuana face an uncertain future after legalization, and more.

Seven More Drug War Deaths

The bad news is that drug war deaths just keep coming. The good news is that they seem to be coming just a bit less frequently.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_100.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_100.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

Advocates file a petition to rein in DEA misinformation about medical marijuana, Arkansas regulators are moving to implement the new law there, Minnesota adds PTSD, and more.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

A bunch of Des Moines drug cases are now in doubt after a pair of cops are accused of planting drugs, a former New York cop gets sent away for selling "date rape" drugs, and more.
Vancouver's safe injection site. Doctors and nurses in Seattle are agitating for something similar there. (
Vancouver's safe injection site. Doctors and nurses in Seattle are agitating for something similar there. (

Chronicle AM: Seattle Safe Injection Site "Die-In," ME MJ Init Vote Recount, More... (12/5/16)

Foes challenging the narrow legalization victory in Maine got their recount going today, patients take to the courts in Arizona and to the streets in Michigan, Seattle health care professionals do a die-in for safe injection sites, Ireland takes another step toward medical marijuana, and more.
Rhode Island State Capitol
Rhode Island State Capitol

The Next Five States That Could Legalize Marijuana [FEATURE]

Election Day saw the number of states with marijuana legalization double, and the number of people living in legalization states quadruple. But there won't be more ballot initiatives until 2018 at the earliest. Reformers are eyeing five states where legalizing marijuana through the legislature may be possible.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_99.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_99.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

The elections are over and the legislative season is yet to begin, so things are pretty quiet on the medical marijuana front. Still, here are a couple of tidbits.
There are new calls for Obama to ramp up the commutation process as the clock ticks down on his term. (
There are new calls for Obama to ramp up the commutation process as the clock ticks down on his term. (

Chronicle AM: Calls for Obama to Cut More Sentences, Iran Drug Death Penalty Moves, More... (11/29/16)

Scholars, advocates, and a US congressman are calling on Obama to ramp up the commutation process in the final weeks of his term, the CDC issues a report calling for expanded syringe exchange, Maryland moves to address racial diversity (or the lack thereof) in the medical marijuana business, and more.