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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Prop 19 "Robo-Polling" Shows Majority Support

    The Yes On 19 campaign Friday released an internal poll showing that likely voters support the initiative to control and tax marijuana by a margin of 56-41 when presented with an automated questionnaire but are less likely to state their support to live interviewers.
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    Prop 19 Down in LA Times Poll

    Two out of three polls this week show Prop 19 trailing, and today's LA Times/USC poll has the worst numbers yet. Ongoing get-out-the-vote efforts, or a late turnout surge, would be the initiative's best chance to free the weed this year.
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    Mexico Drug War Update

    Mexican police seized 134 tons of marijuana Tuesday. They were still burning it as we went to press. Meanwhile, the violence south of the border continues unabated.
  • Pro-Measure 13 Demonstration, Rapid City (courtesy South Dakota Coalition for Compassion)
    Pro-Measure 13 Demonstration, Rapid City (courtesy South Dakota Coalition for Compassion)

    Will South Dakota Voters Pass Medical Marijuana? [FEATURE]

    South Dakota will vote on a medical marijuana initiative on election day. It came within four points in 2006. Maybe this time, the state can wipe away the stigma of being the only one to defeat medical marijuana at the ballot box.
  • Election Day not far away
    Election Day not far away

    SurveyUSA: Prop 19 Ahead 48% to 44%

    The battle of the Proposition 19 polls continues, with a new SurveyUSA poll showing it with a four point lead, but still under 50%. Now, every vote is going to count.
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    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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    evidence room

    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    Crookedness in the Wayne County, Michigan, court system; endemic corruption in Camden; a tweaker cop in Iowa; and another pair of jail guards go bad.