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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

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    Fox News Poll: Prop 19 Marijuana Initiative in Dead Heat

    The Prop 19 campaign is going down to the wire. A new Fox News poll has it losing by one point, but that's well within the statistical margin of error. It still leads by nearly four points in the average of all polls.
  • lioness statue, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial (courtesy
    lioness statue, National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial (courtesy

    Drug Policing Not a Very Dangerous Job, Stats Again Show

    Some 48 law enforcement officers were murdered doing their job last year, according to the FBI. None of them died enforcing drug laws, despite how scary police like to make the drug war sound.
  • Justice Dept. to Enforce Marijuana Laws Regardless of Prop 19 Vote

    US Attorney General Eric Holder has, unsurprisingly, come out against California's Prop 19 marijuana legalization initiative. He said in a Wednesday letter to former DEA chief and at a press conference Friday in Los Angeles that the feds will continue to enforce federal pot laws no matter the election results.
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    Alert: California Marijuana Legalization Needs Your Help NOW

    The fate of Prop 19, California's initiative to legalize cannabis on the November 2nd ballot, will determine a lot of what happens in drug reform over the next two years. Volunteers are needed to help Prop 19 now, and you don't have to live in California.
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    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
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    Mexico Drug War Update

    The apparent killing of an American jet-skier on the border-straddling Lake Falcon continues to draw US media attention, but meanwhile, prohibition-related violence continues to flare across Mexico.