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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • California Gov. Jerry Brown takes a tiny step toward corrections reform.
    California Gov. Jerry Brown takes a tiny step toward corrections reform.

    California Corrections "Realignment" Not Nearly Enough [FEATURE]

    California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill "realigning" corrections in the state, but that's just the tiniest of baby steps toward fixing an out of control prison system. How about some real sentencing reform?
  • parthenon_25.gif

    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
  • prohibition fuels violence (image via Wikimedia)
    prohibition fuels violence (image via Wikimedia)

    Mexico Drug War Update

    More bloody days in Ciudad Juarez, and violence flares in Veracruz as well.
  • prohibition corrupts (image via Wikimedia)
    prohibition corrupts (image via Wikimedia)

    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    Missing drug money, meth-dealing sheriffs, cocaine-snorting crooked cops, cops turned robbers -- it's just another week on the corrupt cops beat.
  • No growing your own, you Mainers! (Image courtesy of the author)
    No growing your own, you Mainers! (Image courtesy of the author)

    Maine Marijuana Decriminalization Bills Die

    Bills that would have decriminalized up to five ounces of weed or six pot plants were killed in a Maine legislative committee last week.
  • Will voters take matters into their own hands now? (Image via Wikimedia)
    Will voters take matters into their own hands now? (Image via Wikimedia)

    Marijuana Legalization Bill Dies in Washington State

    A move to legalize weed through the legislative process has died in Olympia, but some are acting to put a legalization initiative on the November ballot.
  • Did You Know? Felon Loss of Voting Rights, on is a series of in-depth web sites presenting information and views on controversial issues, several of which relate to drug policy. The Chronicle is running a six-part series of info items from, and we encourage you to check it out.