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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • parthenon_30.gif

    This Week in History

    Events and quotes of note from this week's drug policy events of years past.
  • Drug prohibition funds the bloody mayhem in Mexico (Image via
    Drug prohibition funds the bloody mayhem in Mexico (Image via

    Mexico Drug War Update

    Mexicans marched against drug war mayhem by the tens of thousands over the weekend, but the hit men didn't even break stride.
  • Prohibition corrupts (image via Wikimedia)
    Prohibition corrupts (image via Wikimedia)

    This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

    A Texas DA is on the wrong side of the bars, and so is a Kentucky jail guard. Meanwhile, crooked cops in Philly and California's East Bay have their own problems.
  • LAPD: "To protect and serve" (Image via
    LAPD: "To protect and serve" (Image via

    LA Narcs Kill Homeless Person Holding Knife

    LAPD narcs encountered a homeless guy cutting drugs on the street, then shot and killed him when he turned toward them still holding the knife. That's drug war killing #25 for the year.
  • If you're on welfare in Missouri and the state suspects you use drugs, you will have to provide this. (Image via
    If you're on welfare in Missouri and the state suspects you use drugs, you will have to provide this. (Image via

    Missouri Welfare Drug Test Bill Heads for Governor's Desk

    A welfare drug testing bill has passed out of the Missouri legislature and is headed for the governor's desk. This one requires "reasonable suspicion."
  • They will still have to prove the high driver is actually impaired in Colorado. (Image via
    They will still have to prove the high driver is actually impaired in Colorado. (Image via

    Colorado Marijuana and Driving Bill Fails

    Language that would have created a per se drugged driving law in Colorado was briefly reinserted in a bill Friday, but then the bill was killed Monday.
  • Jeffrey Wolfe was shot and killed in a dawn drug raid in Pennsylvania after police said he pointed a gun at them in his bedroom.
    Jeffrey Wolfe was shot and killed in a dawn drug raid in Pennsylvania after police said he pointed a gun at them in his bedroom.

    Pennsylvania SWAT Team Kills Meth Cooker in Drug Raid

    A dawn drug raid in Pennsylvania ended with police shooting and killing a meth cook in his bedroom after they said he pulled a shotgun on them.