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Drug War Chronicle

Comprehensive coverage of the War on Drugs since 1997

  • Bus ad for the Alaska marijuana legalization campaign.
    Bus ad for the Alaska marijuana legalization campaign.

    Chronicle AM -- July 30, 2014

    Marijuana arrests are up in a third of the states, the drug czar's office responds to the New York Times, Dr. Carl Hart wins a literary award, Philly narcs get busted, and more.
  • New York gubernatorial candidate Randy Credico slams Cuomo on clemency. (
    New York gubernatorial candidate Randy Credico slams Cuomo on clemency. (

    Chronicle AM -- July 29, 2014

    Another day, another slew of marijuana stories, but also, the UNODC issues a call for harm reduction funding proposals, an upstart New York governor candidate calls out Cuomo on clemency, we see the year's 27th drug war death, and more.
  • proconlogo_12.gif

    Did You Know? 23 States' and DC's Medical Marijuana Laws, from is a series of in-depth web sites presenting information and views from on current issues, several with relevance to drug policy. The Chronicle is running a series of info items from over the next several weeks -- this first one from -- and we encourage you to check it out.
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    Chronicle Book Review: To End the War on Drugs

    Drug reform journalist Dean Becker has an impassioned new book out, and this week, he's in Washington, DC, to deliver copies to elected officials for their "summer reading assignment." What better time to take a look?
  • The nation's "newspaper of record" wants to free the weed. (
    The nation's "newspaper of record" wants to free the weed. (

    Chronicle AM -- July 28, 2014

    The New York Times comes out for marijuana legalization, a Florida poll finds majority support for it, Rand Paul introduces a bill to wipe out the crack/powder cocaine sentencing disparity, and more.