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The Top Ten Domestic Drug Policy Stories of 2016 [FEATURE]
It was a big year in US domestic drug policy reform, and here are the 10 biggest stories.
Medical Marijuana Update
A study finds medical marijuana associated with a decline in traffic fatalities, the Arizona courts stick up for medical marijuana, changes in state law will have impacts in Colorado and Oregon, and more.
This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories
A Maryland police drug lab director gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar, a Texas border town cop gets nailed for ripping off cocaine, and more.
Chronicle AM: DEA Brass Move to Pharma, Indonesia Top Narc Wants to Kill Users, More... (12/22/16)
Top DEA officials have left the agency for positions with opioid-producing pharmaceutical companies, Pennsylvania's roll-out of medical marijuana starts rolling, Oregon's largest city will allow pot delivery services, and more.
Chronicle AM: MO Tech School Drug Testing Victory, AZ MedMJ DUID Victory, More... (12/23/16)
A federal appeals court sharply restricts mandatory drug testing at a Missouri technical college, an Arizona appeals court says prosecutors must actually prove impairment before convicting medical marijuana patients of DUID, the DEA seems to be a bit less busy than in years past, and more.

Starting next week, Oregon pot buyers will need a patient card if they want to buy at dispensaries. (Creative Commons/Wikimedia)
Chronicle AM: OR Dispensaries Patient Only, Only Pure Cocaine Weight for OH Sentences, More... (12/26/16)
A new study finds that traffic fatalities decline in medical marijuana states, the Ohio Supreme Court rules that only the weight of pure cocaine -- not filler -- can be used in sentencing determinations, the Republic of Georgia walks away from jailing pot smokers, and more.
Chronicle AM: CO Caregiver Plant Limit to Drop Big-Time Next Week, Aussie Poll Has Pro-Pot Plurality, More... (12/27/16)
Colorado caregivers will have to dramatically trim their gardens beginning January 1, Kansas medical marijuana mom Shona Banda has a federal lawsuit thrown out, Australian public opinion is shifting in favor of marijuana legalization, and more.

The LA Times has a heads-up for the incoming president when it comes to legal weed. (Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons)
Chronicle AM: LA Times Warns Trump on MJ, MA Pols Sneak Through MJ Shop Delay, More... (12/28/16)
California's largest newspaper has some advice for the president-elect, Massachusetts politicians pull a fast one on voters, and more.
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