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Drug War Chronicle #880 - April 2, 2015

Phillip S. Smith, Editor - David Borden, Executive Director

Fwd: APPEAL: Crucial New Campaign Needs Your Support! has launched the first ever US coalition devoted to broad drug policy reform, including but not limited to changing the US drug treaties to support legalization. We continue to seek your financial support for this project.
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_25.jpg
MMJ leaf and stethoscope KY ODCP_151_25.jpg

Medical Marijuana Update

A federal CBD bill is filed, the federal medical marijuana bill picks up more sponsors, and bills are moving (or dying) in a number of states.

This Week's Corrupt Cops Stories

Holy cow! Pull up a seat -- this week's corrupt cops rogues' gallery is going to take awhile to get through. We've got jail guards, FBI agents, deputies, internal affairs officers, a deputy police chief, even a judge.
Drug testing took a couple of shots in the courts, and pediatricians say it shouldn't be used in schools. (
Drug testing took a couple of shots in the courts, and pediatricians say it shouldn't be used in schools. (

Chronicle AM: CO Defends Pot Law, Drug Testing News, Feds Target Reddit Users, More (3/30/15)

Colorado defends its pot law at the Supreme Court, a DC seed sharing event goes big on its second day, pediatricians reject drug testing in schools, two courts set limits on worker drug testing, the feds go after Reddit users over dark web drug sales, and more.