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Drug War Chronicle Seeking Writing Interns

Submitted by David Borden on (Issue #880)

Would you like to spend your internship writing for this publication? Drug War Chronicle is a high-quality newsletter covering the full range of drug policy. Marijuana legalization, sentencing reform, harm reduction, the drug war in Latin America and Asia, are just a few of the issues we follow and report on for our informed and engaged readership.

Interns will assist longtime Chronicle writer/editor Phillip Smith in researching material for feature stories, writing news briefs, and compiling the daily "Chronicle AM" roundups. Interns could also get involved in writing for our blog and with our work.

To apply for an internship with Drug War Chronicle, please send your resume, and writing sample if available, to [email protected] and [email protected]. Internships can begin at any time. Thank you for your interest.

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