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Personal Marijuana Use

South Dakota's Badlands. Next year, the state could become less bad for marijuana users. (Creative Commons)
South Dakota's Badlands. Next year, the state could become less bad for marijuana users. (Creative Commons)

Chronicle AM: Trump Offers to "Wage War" on Mexican Cartels, SD MedMJ and Legalization Initiatives, More... (11/5/19)

South Dakota medical marijuana and marijuana legalization campaigns turn in raw signatures, a California psychedelic decriminalization initiative gets updated, President Trump offers to "wage war" on Mexican drug cartels after an ambush left nine dual US-Mexican citzens dead, and more.
No vaping products for Massachusetts, a state judge rules, upholding the governor's ban. (Creative Commons)
No vaping products for Massachusetts, a state judge rules, upholding the governor's ban. (Creative Commons)

Chronicle AM: Houston Police Get New Dope Squad, MA Vaping Ban Upheld, More... (10/22/19)

A Massachusetts judge has upheld the Republican governor's ban on vaping product sales, Houston police get a new dope squad in the wake of a botched fatal drug raid, a key Mexican lawmaker calls for drug legalization as a means of reducing violence, and more.