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Personal Marijuana Use

Pot plants, Wheeler's Ranch_7.jpg
Pot plants, Wheeler's Ranch_7.jpg

Marijuana Tax and Regulate Questions Aim at Massachusetts Ballot

More Massachusetts voters will have a chance to weigh in on marijuana policy if a series of signature-gathering campaigns in electoral districts succeeds. It already has in one district. This will be the 7th consecutive election activists have put marijuana-related questions on ballots in the Bay State.
Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo

NY Pols Call for Marijuana Decriminalization Fix

New York decriminalized pot possession 35 years ago, but NYPD keeps arresting and jailing people for "possession in public view" after forcing them to empty their pockets. Now, the governor and NYC mayor are behind a change in the law to prevent that practice.

CNN Guest Says We're Idiots for Caring About Marijuana Policy

Even as public opinion begins to shift in favor of marijuana reform, there remain some among us who just refuse to admit that this issue matters. In this clip, CNN contributor LZ Granderson viciously insults supporters of marijuana policy reform.

Detroit skyline (
Detroit skyline (

Detroit to Vote on Marijuana Legalization in August

Detroit elected officials' efforts to block city residents from voting to legalize marijuana have been shot down by the state Supreme Court. The issue should be on the primary ballot in August.