Drug War Issues
Politics & Advocacy
The Michigan Supreme Court has cleared the way -- finally -- for Detroiters to vote on a marijuana legalization initiative. The high court Friday refused to hear an expedited appeal of a February appeals court ruling that Detroit election officials had acted improperly when they blocked the measure from getting on the ballot.

Detroit skyline (saferdetroit.net)
Although initiative supporters had cleared all the legal hurtles to making the ballot back in 2010, the measure was opposed by the Detroit City Council, especially Council President Charles Pugh, who also serves as chairman of the Detroit Election Commission. The commission voted 3-0 to block the measure from appearing on the city ballot.
But initiative advocates were undeterred and persevered in pursuing the matter through the courts. Now, with the Supreme Court rejecting the city's motion for immediate consideration of its appeal, they have prevailed.
"A long trail of voter abuse by the City of Detroit has come to an end," said the Coalition's Tim Beck, in an e-mail to supporters. "We got everything right. Our petitions were flawless," said Beck.
Detroit Mayor Bing had no comment Friday evening, but a Detroit police spokesman told the Detroit Free Press the department could adapt to legalization "if it's handled in an appropriate way, and this is what the citizens of Detroit choose."
That's a remarkably open-minded and democratic statement from Detroit police, especially when compared to law enforcement reactions elsewhere to legalization, lowest law enforcement priority, and medical marijuana votes. It will be up to the voters of Detroit to ensure that the department lives up to its word.
This work by StoptheDrugWar.org is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Cleaning up
Pugh do you smell that?
Nothing like a little democracy to wash away the bad smells.
What ?
Surely Detroit will not legalize before Colorado .? Being able to grow yer` own smoke is the key . That " Big Green Tsunami " just keeps coming and coming....
Legalize Pot
Power to the people ! The "war on drugs" policy is what feeds the gears of oppression in our country.
Next step: promote equipment reform
Tim Beck's next job might now be to make the imminent increase of cannabis use go well with minimum backlash, that is, users must impress onlookers with their sobriety and rationality (Responsible Use) by avoiding the hot burning overdose 500-mg "joint" so often seen in pictures at the top of media "pot coverage", and knowing how to make or where to purchase 25-mg-serving size one-hitters. Would-be entrepreneurs, please see wikiHow.com: How to Make Smoke Pipes from Everyday Objects; sign in, revise and improve article, upload photos of your utensil, etc.).
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