An important fact to understand about the medical marijuana debate is that the federal government knows perfectly well that marijuana is an effective medicine:
*They've been
providing it for decades to a select group of seriously ill patients, and continue to do so.
*They've approved a
synthetic drug with the same active ingredient (THC).
*They commissioned a
huge study in 1999, which explicitly said it works.
*They've been
blocking research, which makes no sense if they think the results will favor them.
So the debate over medical marijuana isn't even about whether it has medical properties. It is about something else entirely, stated perfectly by ONDCP's Tom Riley just the other day:
"â¦a lot of the people who are behind this aren't really interested in sick people who need medicine, they're interested in marijuana legalization and they're playing on the suffering of genuinely sick people to get it." [Reuters]
silly as it is, this argument explains everything there is to know about why the government actually opposes medical marijuana. Though countless mainstream
medical, legal, and religious organizations support medical marijuana, the federal government remains fixated on drug policy reformers and our role in defending the rights of patients.
The simple truth is that they are afraid that medical marijuana could lead to full-blown legalization of marijuana for recreational use. And it's not an irrational concern. If you're struggling to prevent accurate information about marijuana's effects from reaching the scientific community and the public, the last thing you want is a huge user population that can speak openly about their experiences with the drug.
Ironically, it is ONDCP's obsession with legalization that has turned medical marijuana into a great controversy, not ours. Similarly, it is ONDCP that exploits patients for political purposes, not us. Opposition to medical marijuana is not championed by doctors or scientists. It is funded and carried out by political operatives who want to keep marijuana illegal for everyone. That's the real medical marijuana conspiracy.