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Medical Marijuana

Northern California Cities Bring Marijuana Growing Into the Light

As numerous cities get set to levy voter-approved taxes on medical marijuana retailers, some municipalities in northern California are already moving aggressively toward creating government-sanctioned marijuana farms to help supply them. Cities hope to rake in even more tax revenue from medical marijuana cultivation, which has remained in the shadows although it has been legal in the state since 1996.

Patient Starts 29th Year in Federal Medical Cannabis Program (Press Release)

For Immediate Release: November,19 2010

Contact: Hiedi Handford at 406-594-7932 or Irv Rosenfeld at 954-536-9011

Patient Starts 29th Year in Federal Medical Cannabis Program (11/20/2010)

{Fort Lauderdale, FL} -- Irvin Rosenfeld is one of only four medical cannabis patients in the country that receive cannabis legally from the federal government.  Irv will celebrate his 28th anniversary in this unique program on Saturday, November 20, 2010.

Irv is a 57 year-old successful stockbroker from South Florida.  Irv uses medical cannabis to relieve chronic pain and muscle spasms caused by a rare bone disease. When he was 10, doctors discovered that his skeleton was riddled with more than 200 tumors, due to a condition known as Multiple Congenital Cartilaginous Exostosis.  Despite six operations, he still lives with scores of tumors in his bones.

After a long struggle with the federal government, Irv Rosenfeld won the right to access medical cannabis in 1982. Thirteen people with debilitating conditions were allowed into the Compassionate Investigative New Drug (IND) Program to receive federally-grown medical cannabis.  In 1992, President George Bush discontinued the program, but Irv still receives 9 ounces of cannabis rolled into cigarettes every 25 days from the federal government. The cannabis is grown by NIDA at the University of Mississippi.  Over the 29 years in the program, Irv has received more than 120,000 medical cannabis cigarettes and is in good health because of it.

Irv will be speaking about the federal program and his participation in it at KushCon2 in Denver, CO December 17-19, 2010.

Irv's book is called "My Medicine: How I Convinced the Federal Government to Provide My Marijuana and Helped Launch a National Movement".  Copies of the book may be purchased by visiting  Proceeds from the book help to cover expenses while traveling to educate people about medical cannabis.



Irv is available for press interviews.  Please contact Hiedi Handford: [email protected]

coming to Oakland -- licensed commercial-scale marijuana grows (Wikimedia)
coming to Oakland -- licensed commercial-scale marijuana grows (Wikimedia)

Oakland Okays Medical Marijuana Mega-Grows

Oakland is set to become the first city in the nation to tax and regulate large-scale medical marijuana grow ops after a Tuesday night vote at the city council.

Will Illinois Lawmakers Legalize Medical Marijuana?

Lawmakers are deciding whether Illinois will become the 16th state to legalize medical marijuana. Illinois lawmakers are in Springfield for a veto session and SB 1381 is one of the bills up for discussion. The bill was written by state Senator Bill Haine (D-Alton), a former prosecutor.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Senate Holds Hearings on Controversial DEA Nominee [FEATURE]

Despite facilitating perjury, prosecuting medical marijuana cases, blocking research, and sitting on rescheduling petitions, Michelle Leonhart's nomination as DEA adminstrator sailed through the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday.

Maine Medical Marijuana Caregivers Form Trade Association

Jonathan Leavitt of Medical Marijuana Caregivers of Maine says the group is being formed to make sure caregivers have a voice when policy decisions are made. Leavitt says that since the spring, medical marijuana caregiver networks have generated 500 good jobs throughout Maine.